WWE 205 Live Results (4/18): Austin Aries vs TJ Perkins, Alicia Fox Finally Makes Her Decision, Ali vs Daivari


WWE 205 Live Results
April 18, 2017
Report by Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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Akira Tozawa vs. Tony Nese

Tozawa starts the match in control with a head of steam, kicking down Nese and hitting a standing moonsault for two. Brian Kendrick makes his way down to ringside early in the match, causing enough distraction for Nese to take advantage and power down his opponent. He hits a long stalling vertical suplex, a military press, and just bullies around Tozawa as Kendrick looks on. Akira hits a few kicks to create some space and flies to the outside with a suicide dive, coming face to face with Kendrick. Tozawa hits a running knee strike for two, and starts doing his “ha!” chant to get the crowd behind them (there was maybe 15-20 people doing it). Nese drops him on the second rope and starts riffling off rights and lefts. Kendrick gets on the apron and tries to take a cheap shot, but the referee saw it happening and stopped it. Tozawa took advantage of the distraction and rolled up Tony for the pin out of nowhere.

Winner: Akira Tozawa

After the match Brian Kendrick gets in the ring and tries to have words with Nese, who just blasts him from behind with a clotheslines. Tozawa thinks it’s hilarious, and tells him that was “lesson number three: you have to have eyes in the back of your head”.