WWE 205 Live Results (4/4): Akira Tozawa vs Brian Kendrick, Neville Hosts Championship Celebration, 4-Way Contender’s Match

#1 Contender’s Match for the Cruiserweight Championship
Jack Gallagher vs. TJ Perkins vs. Mustafi Ali vs. Austin Aries

Aries is taken out early on and goes to the floor to have a staredown with the champion, who is sitting in a chair at ringside. Perkins takes out Gallagher and goes to fly but is blocked by Ali, who then gets thrown to the floor as well to set up the big dive by TJP. Gentleman Jack goes for his umbrella but is taken out from behind by Austin Aries. Ali hits a doubleteam clotheslines and bulldog combo, tosses Aries from the ring, hits a springboard dropkick on Ali, then locks in a submission on Jack. Aries makes the save before he taps out and tries to steal it, putting Jack in the Last Chancery. Ali hits a crossbody from the top rope for a nearfall on Gallagher, and runs into a boot from TJ Perkins. Jack goes for a standing dragon sleep on Perkins, but Aries comes from behid and puts them both in sleepers; Ali springboards off the ropes and hits a rolling neckbreaker to Aries that dominoes everyone down.

Ali and Aries are the first back to their feet, brawling up to the top rope. Aries gets the upper hand and uses TJP to crotch Ali on the ropes. Gentlemen Jack and Aries climb the ropes and hit a double team superplex on Ali while literally standing on top of Perkins for leverage. Everyone gets thrown to the floor and Gallagher grabs his umbrella, doing a Merry Poppins dive to the outside to take down the entire group. Back in the ring Perkins hits a spin kick on Jack, but turns around into a wicked tornado DDT from Ali off the second rope. Gallagher hits a dropkick that sends Ali flying to the barricade on the outside. He rolls up Aries for a close call, then hits a headbutt and falls on top of Aries; he would have won the match but Perkins pulled him out of the ring at the last second. Aries hits a stiff elbow on Perkins and picks up the win, putting him back in the title picture.

Winner: Austin Aries