WWE 205 Live Results (4/4): Akira Tozawa vs Brian Kendrick, Neville Hosts Championship Celebration, 4-Way Contender’s Match

wwe 205 live results

WWE 205 Live Results
April 4th, 2017
Report By Mike Killam for Wrestlezone.com

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The show opens with a recap package from the Cruiserweight Championship match at WrestleMania 33. We will have a four-way match tonight to determine the #1 contender to the belt in the near future.

Akira Tozawa vs. Brian Kendrick

Tozawa goes right after Kendrick, who bails to the outside to reset the match at his own pace. They lock up against and Tozawa continues control, hitting a standing moonsault and pumping up the crowd. Kendrick attacks from behind and slows the match down with rest submissions and dirty holds, including a rake to the eyes and a stretch to Akira’s nostrils. After a few minutes he mounts a comeback and launches kicks sending Kendrick to the outside, following up with a suicide dive to send them crashing into the floor. He pumps up the crowd and heads to the top rope, but Kendrick tells the referee “he poked me in the eye” to buy some time. Tozawa comes off the top rope anyways and collapses on his knee, as the ref checks on him. Kendrick tries to go on the attack immediately, but the ref backs him up. Tozawa suddenly leaps to his feet and rolls up Kendrick for the surprise pinfall!

Winner: Akira Tozawa