William Regal is once again in the ring to present the new NXT championship.
Nakamura lands a few leg kicks. Roode tries to double leg Nakamura, but Nakamura sprawls and locks in a waist lock. Nakamura taunts Roode while in the ropes. Nakamura tells Roode to come on! Roode laughs and ignores Nakamura. Roode says this is his NXT. Roode does the Glorious taunt, but Nakamura kicks him in the chest. Nakamura knees Roode in the gut, then hits a jumping knee to Roode’s face. Nakamura backs Roode into the corner and levels him with knee strikes. Nakamura tries good vibrations, but Roode stands up while holding Nakamura’s foot. Nakamura hits an enziguri. Roode ends up back in the corner. Good Vibrations by Nakamura. Nakamura tries to suplex Roode to the outside, but Roode fights out of it and dropkicks Nakamura. Roode hits the ropes and sends Nakamura flying into the guard rail. Roode pounds on Nakamura in the corner. Roode hammers Nakamura in the corner with multiple chops. Roode launches Nakamura into the corner. Roode charges in and almost decapitated Nakamura with a clothesline. Neck breaker by Roode for a near fall. Roode locks in a nerve hold. Nakamura fights out of it but Roode clotheslines him, then hits a jumping knee of his own. Roode locks in a neck vice.
Nakamura fights out of the vice. Roode slaps on a sleeper but Nakamura reverses that and catches Roode with a spinning enziguri. Nakamura and Roode trade strikes in the ring. Nakamura floors Roode with a right hand. Roode pops up and gets kicked int he chest for good measure. Nakamura sets Roode up on the top rope and crushes him with a running knee. Roode is draped on the apron. Running knee followed by a diving knee by Nakamura. Nakamura only gets a two count. Nakamura almost locks in the reverse exploder but Roode fights out of it. Nakamura hits the ropes and Roode lands a discus lariat. Nakamura catches Roode with a running kick. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa, but Roode moves out of the way and chop blocks Nakamura. Roode pounds on Nakamura’s knee. Roode pulls Nakamura to the ring post. Roode slams Nakamura’s knee into the ring post. Roode stomps on Nakamura’s knee. Roode slaps Nakamura in the face and locks in the figure four leg lock.
Nakamura reverses the hold then gets to the ropes. Roode continues to work over Nakamura’s knee. Roode yells at Nakamura to quit before attempting the figure four again. Nakamura reverses it into a cross arm breaker. Roode tries to fight out of it, but Nakamura transitions into a triangle. Roode tries to pick Nakamura up to break the hold, but Nakamura pulls him back down back into a cross arm breaker. Roode finally manages to get to the ropes. Nakamura kicks Roode over and over again. Nakamura set up a running knee in the corner, but Roode moves out of the way. Nakamura smashes his knee into the top turnbuckle. Roode stomps on Nakamura’s knee once again. Nakamura gets up and kicks Roode over and over again. Nakamura misses a kick and Roode blast him with the backstabber for a two count. Roode and Nakamura go face-to-face. Roode and Nakamura trade elbows to the face. Roode kicks Nakamura in the knee. Roode sets up the Glorious DDT Nakamura reverses it and hits the sliding knee. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa but Roode rolls outside the ring. Nakamura retrieves him and sends Roode back into the ring. As Nakamura gets in the ring Roode kicks the middle rope into Nakamura crotch. Roode hits the Glorious DDT! Nakamura somehow manages to kick out!
Roode goes outside the ring and grabs the ring bell. The referee grabs the ring bell. Nakamura surprises Roode with a head kick followed by a reverse exploder. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa again, but Roode catches him in a HUGE spine buster for another near fall. Nakamura will not stay down! Roode picks up Nakamura for another DDT. Nakamura forces Roode into the corner. Nakamura charges in, but Roode spears Nakamura’s knee. Roode grabs Nakamura and hits a top rope tornado Glorious DDT for the win!
Winner and STILL NXT Champion, Bobby Roode!