WWE 205 Live Results (3/14): Drew Gulak Vents Frustration, Who Will Face Neville At WrestleMania ?

Third Match: Austin Aries vs. THE Brian Kendrick vs. Tony Nese vs. Akira Tozawa vs. TJ Perkins in a Fatal Five Way Elimination Match. The Winner Of The Match Will Take On Neville At WrestleMania 33 

Kendrick rolls out of the ring immediately after the bell rings. Perkins with a spinning heel kick to Nese. Aries with a running corner dropkick to Nese for a two count. Aries boots Nese out of the ring. Perkins applies a wrist lock. Aries responds with a side headlock. Aries and Perkins runs the ropes. Perkins dropkicks Aries. Perkins dabs. Aries kicks Perkins in the gut. Aries lands a deep arm-drag. Aries connects with the basement dropkick. Aries with a running elbow in the corner. Aries with a flying elbow drop to the back of Perkins neck. Kendrick with a right hand to Aries. Tozawa gets back in the ring and attacks Kendrick. Nese mocks Tozawa. Tozawa responds with a big jab. Kendrick drags Tozawa out of the ring. Aries with a suicide dive to Nese. Aries rolls Nese back into the ring. Aries with the cover for a two count. Kendrick kicks Tozawa out of the ring.

Kendrick with a clubbing blow to the back of Aries. Kendrick tosses Aries out of the ring. Perkins with a lightning quick offense to Kendrick. Perkins with a leaping back elbow in the corner. Nese bodyslams Perkins. Nese applies a body scissors hold. Tozawa dives over Nese and Perkins. Tozawa with a Snap German Suplex for a two count. Kendrick again tosses Tozawa out of the ring. Kendrick goes for the cover, but Nese kicks out. Tozawa connects with the Shining Wizard. Tozawa with a flying senton for a two count. Tozawa with a running forearm that knocks Kendrick off the ring apron. Tozawa with a suicide dive to Kendrick. Perkins with a Corkscrew Plancha to Tozawa. Nese with a Flying Pascada to Perkins and Tozawa on the outside.

Kendrick knocks Aries off the top rope. Nese with a running knee strike through the ringside barricade. Nese rolls Perkins back into the ring. Perkins goes for the Detonation Kick, but Nese blocks it. Perkins gets Nese in an Arm-Bar. Nese taps out. Tony Nese is officially eliminated. Nese with a running clothesline to Perkins. Tozawa with a right hand to the jaw of Nese. Kendrick with the Slice Bread #2 to Tozawa and scores the pinfall. Akira Tozawa is officially eliminated. Kendrick goes for the Captain’s Hook, but Perkins blocks it. Kendrick and Perkins battle for position on the top rope. Aries plants Kendrick and Perkins with the Tower of Doom. Aries and Perkins with a double right hand to Kendrick.

Aries with the Backslide for a two count. Aries goes for the Brain Buster, but Perkins gets back on his feet. Perkins counters with a sunset flip. Aries and Kendrick with a double pinfall to Perkins. TJ Perkins is officially eliminated. Kendrick gets Aries in the Captain’s Hook, but Perkins connects with a basement dropkick. Aries with a Roaring Elbow that knocks Perkins off the ring apron. Kendrick with the Slice Bread #2 for a two count. Kendrick gets Aries in the Captain’s Hook. Aries reaches the bottom rope. Aries with the Roaring Elbow to pickup the victory.

Winner: Austin Aries 

Thank you guys so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s WWE 205 Live. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums.

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