WWE Elimination Chamber Results (2/12): New Champions Crowned, Harper vs Orton, Who is The WWE Champion?

wwe elimination chamber results

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WWE Elimination Chamber Results
February 12th, 2017
Report By Joshua Lopez for WrestleZone.com

WWE Elimination Chamber Kickoff Notes: 

– The panel for tonight’s show is Renee Young, Booker T, Sam Roberts and Carmella. Booker T reflects on being part of the first Elimination Chamber Match.

– Dasha Fuentes is in the Social Media Lounge. Tonight’s special guest is former WWE SmackDown Live Champion, Becky Lynch. Send in your questions using the hashtag #AskBecky. 

– The panel starts previewing the Alexa Bliss/Naomi SmackDown Live Women’s Championship Match. Sam is a big advocate for the recent push of Naomi. Carmella is not even paying attention, she’s on her phone texting her friends. Carmella says that while Naomi may glow in the dark, that doesn’t make her a legitimate contender for the championship. Booker says that Naomi needs to put her cheerleading character traits in the past, she needs to start looking out for herself. Carmella is yawning while Sam Roberts is talking. The panel talks about the possibility of Naomi walking into her hometown at WrestleMania as champion. Booker and Sam are going with Naomi to win. Renee is annoyed with Carmella’s lack of participation. Carmella doesn’t care about the match, but if she had a choice she’ll go with Alexa Bliss.

– We get a video package for the Randy Orton/Luke Harper Match. Renee asks Booker if Luke Harper is biting a bit more than he can chew tonight with calling out Randy Orton? Booker says that this is personal for Harper. When your family turns their back on you, it’s officially you against the world. Sam says that the WWE Universe has always been big supporters of Harper. Carmella wants a coffee. Carmella is going with Randy Orton to win this match. Sam Roberts says that Luke Harper may pull off the upset tonight. Booker scoffs at Sam’s soliloquy and goes with Randy Orton.

– Renee Young goes over the rules for the Tag Team Turmoil Match for the SmackDown Live Tag Team Championship. Booker talks about the mental challenges that are in this business and all of the tag teams tonight need to weather the storm. Sam is confused as to whether are not Carmella is flirting with him. Sam gloats about his twitter mentions. Carmella wants the panel to make their predictions. Renee and Booker are going with The Usos. Sam is going with The Ascension. Carmella finishes this round of predictions with Breezango.

– We get a video package on the bitter rivalry between Nikki Bella and Natalya. James Ellsworth walks into the Kickoff set and tells Carmella that he bought her tickets to an event. Ellsworth is basically taking Carmella out on a date. Carmella obliges. Booker and Sam are going with Natalya to win this match.

– Becky Lynch on the Social Media Lounge said that her goal tonight was to DisArm BOTH of Mickie James arms. If Becky had to pick a tag team partner from the past it would be Shawn Michaels. She said that would be the perfect marriage because Shawn is the Heart Break Kid and she could be the Arm Break Kid. Becky has the utmost respect for Mickie James, but she’s going to get revenge because Mickie cost her the SmackDown Live Women’s Championship.

– Booker T is going with AJ Styles for the Elimination Chamber Match. Sam Roberts is going with Miz to shock the world.

WWE Elimination Chamber Kickoff Match: Curt Hawkins vs. Mojo Rawley 

Hawkins backs himself in the corner. Mojo chases Hawkins around the ring. Mojo takes out the knees of Hawkins. Hawkins rolls out of the ring. Hawkins sends Mojo sternum first into the ring apron. Mojo drops Hawkins with a shoulder tackle in the corner. Mojo connects with the Stinger Splash.

Hawkins grounds Mojo with a rear chin lock. Mojo escapes out of the hold with a jaw breaker. Mojo fires up with a series of running axe handles. Mojo with a front slam to Hawkins for a two count. Hawkins connects with a enziguri. Mojo lays out Hawkins with the Right Hand from Hell. Mojo follows that up with the tilt-a-whirl slam to pickup the victory.

Winner: Mojo Rawley 

First Match: Becky Lynch vs. Mickie James 

Becky and Mickie goes into the collar and elbow tie up. Mickie with an arm-drag takedown for a one count. The collar and elbow tie up spills to the outside. Both women get back into the ring at the count of nine. Becky applies a wrist lock. Mickie with a roll through and lands a deep arm-drag. Mickie transitions into an arm-ringer. Becky goes for the DisArm Her, but Mickie holds onto the top rope. Becky tosses Mickie to the outside. Becky tells Mickie to get back into the ring as Mickie is regaining her composure. Becky with a Springboard Sidekick that knocks Mickie off the ring-apron. Becky dives off the ring-apron with a flying forearm strike. Becky rolls Mickie back into the ring.

Mickie kicks Becky in the chest. Mickie plants Becky with a Snap DDT for a two count. Mickie starts working on the arm of Becky. Mickie tries to hyperextend the arm of Becky. Mickie with a snap-mare into a wrist lock. Mickie with a knee strike to Becky for a two count. Mickie with a modified fujiwara arm-bar. Becky with a running axe-handle. Mickie with a boot to the shoulder of Becky. Mickie sends Becky shoulder first to the steel ring post. Mickie with a titl-a-whirl head scissors. Mickie with a boot to the face for a two count. Mickie applies a half-nelson chin lock. Becky and Mickie trade forearm shots. Becky with a series of clotheslines. Becky dropkicks Mickie. Becky connects with a Bexploder Suplex for a two count.

Becky goes for a flying forearm, but Mickie ducks out of the way. Mickie drops Becky with a flapjack. Mickie ascends to the top rope. Mickie with a diving senton for a two count. Mickie escapes out of the hammer lock. Becky connects with a missile dropkick. Becky goes for a Pumphandle Slam, but Mickie gets back on her feet. Mickie connects with the Mick Kick. Mickie goes for the cover, but Becky has her foot under the bottom rope. Mickie drags her in the middle and goes for the cover, but Becky kicks out at two. Mickie transitions into a ground and pound attack. Mickie goes for a DDT, but Becky counters with the back bodydrop. Becky rolls Mickie up to pickup the victory.

Winner: Becky Lynch 

Second Match: Apollo Crews & Kalisto vs. Dolph Ziggler 

Ziggler attacks Kalisto from behind while he was making his entrance. Ziggler whips Kalisto back first to the LAD screen. The referees and medical team attends to Kalisto. Crews charges towards Ziggler immediately after the bell rings. Crews stomps on Ziggler chest in the corner. Ziggler lands a back elbow in the corner. Crews responds with a running axe-handle. Crews goes into the ground and pound attack. Crews with a snap vertical suplex. Ziggler with a top rope stunner to Crews.

Ziggler follows that up with a Hangman’s Neckbreaker on the second rope. Ziggler stomps on Crews chest. Ziggler rakes the eyes of Crews. Ziggler lands another neckbreaker for a two count. Ziggler with a boot to the face of Crews. Ziggler with a diving elbow drop to the back of Crews for a two count. Ziggler grounds Crews with a rear chin lock. Crews rolls Ziggler up for a two count. Ziggler lands a big right hand. Ziggler continues to ground Crews with the chin lock.

Ziggler kicks Crews in the knee. Ziggler works on the neck of Crews. Kalisto starts walking back to the ring. Crews with a leaping enziguri to Ziggler. Crews tags in Kalisto. Kalisto with a Springboard Senton to Ziggler. Kalisto with a Handspring Roundhouse Kick. Kalisto goes for the Salida Del Sol, but Ziggler blocks it. Kalisto with a side kick to the head of Ziggler. Kalisto tags in Crews. Crews plants Ziggler with a sit-out powerbomb to pickup the victory. After the match, Ziggler knocks Kalisto off the ring apron. Ziggler brings a chair into a ring. Ziggler wraps a chair on Crews ankle. Ziggler repeatedly stomps on the chair.

Winner: Apollo Crews & Kalisto 

Third Match: The American Alpha (c) vs. Heath Slater & Rhyno vs. The Ascension vs. The Vaudevillians vs. Breezango vs. The Usos in a Tag Team Turmoil Match for the WWE SmackDown Live Tag Team Championship 

Slater and Fandango starts things off. Fandango backs Slater into the corner. Fandango applies a side headlock. Fandango drops Slater with a shoulder tackle. Slater leapfrogs over Fandango. Slater lands a big hip toss. Fandango tags in Breeze. Slater applies a wrist lock and tags in Rhyno. Rhyno with an arm-ringer to Breeze. Breeze kicks Rhyno in the gut. Rhyno with a shoulder block to Breeze. Rhyno with a Corner Spear. Rhyno connects with a short-arm clothesline. Slater and Rhyno with a double back elbow strike to Breeze. Rhyno tags in Slater. Slater with a series of right hands to Breeze. Breeze tags in  Fandango. Fandango with a ground and pound attack on Slater. Fandango drops a collection of fashion tickets on Slater. Rhyno lays out Breeze. Fandango tosses Rhyno out of the ring. Slater with a O’Connor Roll and tags in Rhyno. Rhyno with the GORE to Fandango to score the pinfall. Breezango are officially eliminated.

The Vaudevillians are the next entrants. Slater with a flying plancha onto The Vaudevillians. English with a knee drop to Slater for a two count. English kicks Slater in the ribs. English tags in Gotch. Gotch with a series of knee strikes to Slater. Rhyno with a shoulder tackle to Gotch. English goes for the Swanton Bomb, but Slater ducks out of the way. Slater with a DDT to score the pinfall. The Vaudevillians are officially eliminated. The Usos are the next entrants. Jimmy lands a knife edge chops. Slater drags Jimmy to the corner and tags in Rhyno. Rhyno with a double axe-handle across the back. Jimmy whips Rhyno into the turnbuckles. Jimmy tags in Jey. Jey goes for the cover, but Rhyno kicks out at two. Rhyno tags in Slater. Slater with a flying clothesline. Slater with a series of right hands to Jey. Jey plants Slater with a Samoan Drop for a two count. Jey tosses Rhyno to the outside. Jey tags in Jimmy. Jimmy SuperKicks Slater. Jey rolls Slater up and scores the pinfall. Heath Slater and Rhyno are officially eliminated. American Alpha are the next entrants.

The Usos and American Alpha brawls on the stage. Alpha with a double german suplex in stereo. Gable with a diving crossbody for a two count. Gable tags in Jordan. Jey uppercuts Gable. Jey with a corner spear to Gable. Jey tags in Jimmy. Jimmy goes for the cover, but Gable kicks out at two. Jimmy sends Gable sternum first into the turnbuckles. Jey attacks Gable from the outside. Jimmy lands a knife edge chop and tags in Jey. Jey with a thrust kick to the ribs of Gable. Jimmy with a leg drop for a two count. Jimmy applies a rear chin lock. The Usos are cutting the ring in half. Jimmy tosses Gable to the outside. Gable with right hand to Jimmy. Gable clotheslines Jimmy. Jordan and Jey are tagged in.

Jordan dropkicks Jey. Jordan connects with the over the head belly to belly suplex. Jordan tags in Gable. Jimmy with a sunset flip for a two count. Gable rolls Jimmy up and scores the pinfall. The Usos are officially eliminated. The Usos beats down American Alpha before they leave the ringside area. The Ascension are the next entrants. The Ascension connect with the Fall of Men for a two count. Konnor launches Gable rib first to the top rope. Konnor drags Jordan to the corner and tags in Viktor. Viktor stomps on Jordan chest in the corner. Viktor bounces Jordan head on the top turnbuckle. Viktor with a leaping knee strike. Konnor goes for the cover, but Jordan kicks out at two. The Ascension cuts the ring in half. Jordan with a over the head belly to belly suplex. Jordan tosses Konnor out of the ring. American Alpha connect with the Grand Amplitude to pickup the victory.

Winner: Still WWE SmackDown Live Tag Team Champions, American Alpha 

Fourth Match: Nikki Bella vs. Natalya 

Natalya slaps Nikki in the face. Natalya with a side headlock takeover. Nikki responds with a leg scissors submission hold. Nikki with a roll through into a cross arm-breaker. Natalya spears Nikki. Natalya goes into the ground and pound attack. Natalya follows that with a waist lock takedown. Natalya does the You Can’t See Me Hand Gesture. Natalya goes for the german suplex, but Nikki blocks it. Nikki gets Natalya in a Knee Bar, but Natalya reaches the bottom rope. Nikki with a baseball slide dropkick that sends Natalya crashing to the outside. Nikki with a flying clothesline off the ring apron. Natalya sends Nikki back first into the steel ring post. Natalya grabs Nikki be her hair. Natalya connects with a snap suplex. Natalya stomps on Nikki chest in the corner. Natalya with a snap mare. Natalya continues the onslaught with a basement dropkick to the back of Nikki.

Natalya grounds Nikki with a rear chin lock. Natalya with a running clothesline. Natalya talks smack to Nikki’s mom. Nikki rolls Natalya up for a two count. Natalya whips Nikki face first to the canvas. Natalya tries to hyper-extend the knee of Nikki. Nikki counters with the STF, but Natalya reaches the bottom rope. Nikki with a flying shoulder tackle. Nikki dropkicks Natalya. Nikki goes for the cover, but Natalya kicks out at two. Natalya plants Nikki with a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Natalya goes for the Sharpshooter, but Nikki blocks it. Nikki lands a vicious forearm strike for a two count. Nikki goes for the Rack Attack 2.0, but Natalya gets back on her feet.

Nikki plants Natalya with a Spine Buster for a two count. Nikki follows that up with  Springboard Enziguri for a two count. Nikki ascends to the top rope. Natalya catches up to her. Natalya connects with the Superplex. Natalya locks in Sharpshooter, but Nikki counters with the STF. Natalya again reaches the bottom rope. Natalya drags Nikki out of the ring. Natalya drives Nikki back first into the barricade. Natalya and Nikki continue to brawl on the outside, but unfortunately they are both counted out. Natalya rolls Nikki back into the ring. Natalya drops Nikki with a big forearm. Natalya goes back to the ground and pound attack. Nikki runs after Natalya. Nikki Spears Natalya on the ramp.

Winner: Double Countout 

Fifth Match: Randy Orton vs. Luke Harper 

Orton and Harper goes into the collar and elbow tie up. Harper backs Orton into the ropes. Harper drops Orton with a shoulder tackle for a one count. Orton rolls out of the ring. Harper with a right hand to the jaw of Orton. Harper sends Orton sternum first into the barricade. Harper bounces Orton on the announcer table. Harper rolls Orton into the ring. Orton lands a back elbow in the corner. Orton dropkicks Harper. Harper ascends to the top rope. Orton with a big right hand that sends Harper crashing to the outside. Orton poses for the crowd. Orton whips Harper back first into the turnbuckles. Orton tosses Harper out of the ring. Orton with a back suplex that sends Harper tumbling over the announce table. Orton rolls Harper back into the ring. Orton with the cover for a two count. Orton applies a rear chin lock. Orton with a clubbing blow to the back of Harper. Orton bounces Harper rib first on the top rope. Orton continues to play to the crowd.

Orton stomps on Harper ankle in the corner. Orton transitions into the Garvin Stomp. Orton rams his knee to the back of Harper. Orton goes back to the rear chin lock. Harper and Orton trades shots. Orton lands a european uppercut. Harper with a series of right hands to Orton. Harper with a forearm across the jaw of Orton. Harper with a slingshot senton to Orton. Harper follows that up with a Big Boot for a two count. Orton kicks Harper in the shoulder. Orton goes for the IEDDT, but Harper blocks it. Harper catapults Orton throat first to the second rope. Orton tumbles to the outside. Harper goes for the Suicide Dive, but Orton counters with a forearm. Harper finally connects with the Suicide Dive that sends Orton over the announce table. Harper follows that up with a back suplex on the announcer’s table hood.

Orton regains momentum with a scoop powerslam. Harper and Orton battle for position on the top rope. Orton connects with the Superplex. Orton goes for the cover, but Harper kicks out at two. Orton kicks Harper in the chest. Orton goes for the RKO, but Harper blocks it. Harper goes for the Discus Clothesline, but Orton counters with a Full Nelson Slam for a two count. Orton plants Harper with the IEDDT. Orton sets up for the RKO, but Harper lands two consecutive SuperKicks. Harper goes for the cover, but Orton kicks out at two. Harper goes for the Sitout Powerbomb, but Orton blocks it. Harper with a thrust kick to the midsection of Orton. Harper connects with the Sit-Out Powerbomb for a two count. Harper goes for the Discus Clothesline, but Orton counters with the RKO to pickup the victory.

Winner: Randy Orton 

Sixth Match: Alexa Bliss (c) vs. Naomi for the WWE SmackDown Live Women’s Championship 

Naomi rolls Bliss up for a one count. Bliss slaps Naomi in the face. Naomi bounces Bliss head on the top turnbuckle. Naomi lands a roundhouse kick. Naomi goes for the Springboard Crossbody, but Bliss counters with a hip toss for a two count. Bliss stomps on Naomi chest in the corner. Bliss rams her knee across the back of Naomi neck. Bliss goes for the cover for a two count. Bliss continues the onslaught in the corner. Bliss applies a rear chin lock. Bliss grabs onto Naomi’s hair. Bliss lands a deep arm-drag.

Naomi connects with a enziguri. Naomi ducks a clothesline from Bliss. Naomi with a leaping back elbow. Naomi follows that up with a Somersault Clothesline. Naomi rams her shoulder to the midsection of Bliss. Naomi connects with the Blockbuster for a two count. Naomi dropkicks Bliss to the corner. Naomi with the Rear View for a two count. Bliss begs for mercy.

Bliss backs herself to the ropes. Naomi with a kick that sends Bliss to the outside. Bliss lands a big forearm. Bliss connects with the Snap DDT for a two count. Bliss throws a fit. Naomi with a modified codebreaker. Naomi with a Split Legged Moonsault to the back. Bliss goes for the O’Connor Roll, but the referee catches her foot on the bottom rope. Bliss goes for the Twisted Bliss, but Naomi gets her knees up in the air. Naomi connects with the Split Legged Moonsault to pickup the victory.

Winner: New WWE SmackDown Live Women’s Champion, Naomi 

Seventh Match: John Cena (c) vs. AJ Styles vs. Baron Corbin vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt vs. The Miz in a Elimination Chamber Match for the WWE Championship 

Ambrose, Corbin, The Miz and Bray Wyatt are in the chamber pods. Styles and Cena will start things off. Styles and Cena goes into the collar and elbow tie up. Cena applies a side headlock. Cena drops Styles with a shoulder tackle. Styles applies a side headlock. Cena leapfrogs over Styles. Styles kicks Cena in the hamstring. Cena lands a series of right hands. Styles sends Cena sternum first to the turnbuckle. Styles with an Argentine Back Breaker for a two count. Styles kicks Cena in the gut. Styles goes for the Styles Clash, but Cena blocks it. Cena connects with a Snap Canadian Destroyer. Styles and Cena trades shots. Cena goes for the STF, but Styles blocks it. Styles connects with the Ushigoroshi for a two count. Styles goes for a corner forearm, but Cena ducks out of the way. Cena lands two shoulder tackles followed by the side slam. Cena goes for the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but the clock starts running. Ambrose is the first entrant to escape the pod. Ambrose with a running crossbody to Cena. Ambrose tosses Cena out of the ring. Ambrose whips Cena back first to the steel. Ambrose with a back elbow to the gut of Styles. Ambrose launches Styles back into the ring. Ambrose with a front slam to Styles. Ambrose ascends to the top of his pod. Ambrose with a flying clothesline to Cena. Ambrose drags Cena back into the ring. Ambrose with a standing switch to Styles.

Cena plants Ambrose and Styles with a Double German Suplex. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Ambrose gets back on his feet. Styles with a enziguri to Cena. Ambrose lays out Styles with the Lunatic Lariat. Bray Wyatt is the next entrant. Bray with a running shoulder block to the Cena. Bray with a front slam to Ambrose. Styles goes for a Springboard Crossbody, but Bray sends Styles into the steel. Styles kicks Bray in the chest. Styles with a Slingshot Famouser to Bray. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Styles gets back on his feet. Cena and Styles begin to crawl up the chamber. Styles with a right hand that sends Cena crashing back first to the pads. Ambrose and Styles begin to brawl on top of one of the pods. Ambrose repeatedly bounces Styles head on the chamber glass. Ambrose dives off the top of the pod, but Bray connects with a uppercut. Bray places Ambrose on the top rope. Ambrose with the Tower of Doom to Styles and Bray. Baron Corbin is the next entrant. Ambrose with a series of forearms to Corbin. Corbin responds with a massive clothesline. Corbin repeatedly whips Ambrose face first to the steel. Corbin tosses Ambrose back into the ring. Ambrose goes for the running bulldog, but Corbin blocks it. Corbin connects with the Deep Six. Bray with a clubbing blow to the back of Corbin. Bray goes for a STO, but Corbin sends Bray face first to the pod. Corbin lands a big boot. Corbin connects with a modified STO. Styles with a series of right hands to Corbin. Corbin plants Styles with the End of Days.

Cena gets Corbin in the STF, but Corbin powers out. Corbin with the End of Days to Cena. Ambrose with a missile dropkick to Corbin. Ambrose whips Corbin back first to the steel. Corbin launches Ambrose face first to the pod. Ambrose goes for the Dirty Deeds, but Corbin blocks it. Corbin knocks Ambrose off the top rope. Miz is obviously the final entrant. Miz stalls. Corbin wants to fight. Ambrose rolls up Corbin and scores the pinfall. Baron Corbin is officially eliminated. Corbin attacks Ambrose with a massive lariat. Corbin launches Ambrose through the pod. Corbin with a series of forearms across the back of the neck of Ambrose. Corbin finishes the onslaught with the End of Days. Miz finally escapes the pod and pins Ambrose. Dean Ambrose is officially eliminated. Miz begins to mock Daniel Bryan. Miz with YES! Kicks to Cena and Bray. Miz follows that up with a double basement dropkick. Miz kicks Styles in the gut. Miz proceeds to give YES! Kicks to Styles in the corner. Miz with a trifecta of corner dropkicks to Cena, Styles and Bray. Miz connects with the Awesome Clothesline. Miz ascends to the top rope. Bray gets in his way. Miz plants Bray with the Skull Crushing Finale. Miz goes for the Diving Crossbody, but Cena counters with the Attitude Adjustment to score the pinfall. The Miz is officially eliminated. Bray and Styles begins to double team Cena. Bray uppercuts Cena. Bray with a rolling senton to Cena. Cena with two shoulder tackles to Styles followed by the side slam. Cena with a Double Five Knuckle Shuffle to Bray and Styles. Cena connects with the Attitude Adjustment on Bray Wyatt. Styles plants Cena with the Styles Clash for a two count.

Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Cena ducks out of the way. Cena connects with another Attitude Adjustment, but Styles kicks out at count of two. Cena begins to climb to the top of the pod. Cena with a flying crossbody off the top of the pod onto Bray and Styles. Cena goes for the Attitude Adjustment, but Bray Wyatt counters with the Sister Abigail and scores the pinfall. John Cena is officially eliminated. Bray and Styles are the final two. Styles lands a big forearm. Bray responds with a lariat. Bray with a series of clubbing forearms across the back of Styles neck. Bray sends Styles to the corner. Styles takes out the knees of Bray. Styles with a falling forearm smash for a two count. Bray with the Spider Walk. Styles connects with the Phenomenal Blitz. Bray responds with a massive lariat for a two count. Bray goes for the Uranage Slam, but Styles counters with the Pele Kick. Styles follows that up with the Shining Wizard. Styles connects with the Springboard 450 Splash for a two count. Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, but Bray counters with the Sister Abigail to pickup the victory. After the match, Bray Wyatt and Randy Orton get into a stare off.

Winner: New WWE Champion, Bray Wyatt via Pinfall 

Thank you guys so much for checking out my coverage of this year’s WWE Elimination Chamber. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums.

You can follow me on Twitter @NotoriousJoshie 

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