WWE SmackDown Results (2/7): Cena vs Orton, Dual Contract Signing, The Miz Ruins Daniel Bryan’s Homecoming

wwe smackdown results

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WWE SmackDown Results
February 7th, 2017
Report by Josh Lopez for WrestleZone.com 

Daniel Bryan, The Miz, Baron Corbin, Dean Ambrose and AJ Styles In-Ring Promo: 

Bryan says it’s good to be home. Last time Bryan was here, he was forced to make the most difficult announcement of his life. The last year has not been easy. Bryan is grateful that he’s had the opportunity to be the General Manager of Smackdown. Bryan’s grateful that he’s able to come to Seattle and give the fans the best show possible. Bryan is grateful that soon he is going to be a dad. Miz comes down to the ring with Maryse to interrupt Bryan. Boo hoo, Daniel Bryan had to retire a year ago. Bryan should become a stay at home dad. Miz doesn’t know why Bryan is here. Bryan can’t wrestle anymore. Bryan says not being able to wrestle never stopped you from getting in the ring. Miz says that Bryan doesn’t respect him. Miz reminds the Seattle crowd that Bryan can’t wrestle anymore but he can. The Seattle crowd starts getting Miz frustrated. Is that funny? Baron Corbin comes down to the ring.

Miz should really learn when to shut up. He talked too much last week on commentary and he’s talking too much now. Miz says that when he speaks, people listen. Miz and Corbin can work together and dominate. They can eliminate everyone and then at the end, let the best man win. Corbin says that he can take Miz out now so he doesn’t have to hear Miz mouth when he wins the WWE Title. Miz asks Bryan if he’s going to let Corbin talk to him like that? Bryan sarcastically tells Corbin to not to punch Miz in the face because that would be terrible.