WWE SmackDown Results (1/10): Cena vs Corbin, Ambrose Asylum Returns, Tensions Brewing In The Wyatts?

wwe smackdown results

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WWE SmackDown Results
January 10th, 2017
Report by Josh Lopez for WrestleZone.com 

The Ambrose Asylum with Special Guest: The Miz & Maryse 

Welcome to the first Ambrose Asylum of 2017. Ambrose officially enters the Royal Rumble Match. Since we’re in Cajun Country, Ambrose wanted to bring in a live alligator, but unfortunately he needed a permit to do so. Ambrose bought an alligator head from a gas station. Ambrose calls the alligator head, Maryse. Ambrose guest tonight runs his mouth like an energizer bunny, but never has anything interesting to say. Ambrose guest tonight is, The Miz. Miz comes down to the ring with Maryse.

Each day Ambrose walks around with Miz’s title, he continues to throw away the hard work he put into restoring the glory of the Intercontinental Championship. Now Ambrose is going to taint the integrity of the Royal Rumble Match? Miz announces that he’s going to be in the Royal Rumble Match as well. That’s the future, let’s talk about last week when Ambrose stoled Miz’s title. The match should have ended in a disqualification.

Miz wants Ambrose to do the right thing before he brings lawyers into this situation. Miz wants Ambrose to hand back his Intercontinental Championship. Ambrose says that Miz is right and wants to give him back something special. Miz says that Ambrose coming to his senses. Ambrose presents Miz with a Participation Award. Ambrose wants the Baton Rouge crowd to give Miz a round of applause since he tried. Miz throws the participation award at Ambrose. Miz goes into a ground and pound attack. Maryse accidentally slaps Miz in the face. Ambrose drops Miz with the Dirty Deeds. Ambrose hands off the Participation Award to Maryse.