Results of the Second Set of TNA Impact Wrestling TV Tapings From 1/8 *Spoilers*

7. Brooke Tessmacher VS Sienna with Maria. As usual, Madyson returns for commentary but Pope stays also. Maria pushes Brooke off the top rope allowing Sienna to hit her finisher for the win.

8. Xplosion match: Eli Drake VS Mahabali Shera. Still no Shera Shuffle-thankfully. Drake gets the win. Pope & JB were on commentary with Josh gone.

9. Another Xplosion match-Deanna VS Laurel Van Ness this with Madyson returning for commentary. Laurel with her Curb Stomp wins.

10. One last Xplosion match to end the night. Marshae “ALL DAY” Rocket VS Robbie E-another guy with crappy new music. The fans greeted Marshae with a “Sucks All Day” chant. Awesome. Robbie wins with the Boom Drop.


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