WZ Flashback: WrestleMania 31 Results – The New Era Begins

Third Match: Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Luke Harper vs. R-Truth vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Stardust in a Ladder Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship 

Ambrose with a series of right hands to Barrett immediately after the bell rings. Bryan tosses harper to the outside. Harper whips Bryan face first into a ladder. Ambrose with a suicide dive to Harper. Truth with a Somersault Plancha onto Barrett and Ambrose. Stardust with a Springboard Back Elbow to Truth, Ambrose and Barrett. Harper tosses Ziggler to the outside as well. Harper joins the melee with a suicide dive. Ambrose with a flying elbow drop off the ladder onto Harper, Barrett, Ziggler, Stardust and Bryan. Truth rolls a ladder into the ring. Truth sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring. Barrett sends Truth sternum first into the turnbuckles. Barrett hits Truth in the gut with the ladder. Barrett knocks Ambrose off the ring apron with the ladder. Bryan with a missile dropkick to Barrett.

Bryan with a series of running corner dropkicks to Stardust and Barrett. Harper throws the ladder into the face of Bryan. Harper ascends the ladder in the middle of the ring. Harper gets tied in the tree of woe. Bryan connects with the series of YES! Kicks. Ziggler knocks Bryan off the ladder. Ziggler SuperKicks Bryan. Ambrose and Ziggler battle for position on the top rope. Ziggler and Ambrose clotheslines Barrett over the top rope. Stardust with a missile dropkick that knocks Ambrose and Ziggler off the ladder. Stardust hits Ziggler in the ankle with the ladder. Stardust dumps a ladder onto Harper on the outside. Stardust grabs Starbird from under the ring. Barrett hits Stardust in the back with one of the rungs of the ladder. Ambrose sends Barrett sternum first to the ladder. Ambrose tosses a ladder into the ring. Ambrose with a series of right hands to Harper. Ambrose with a jab/chop combination to Harper.