WZ Flashback: WrestleMania 31 Results – The New Era Begins

Second Match: Curtis Axel vs. Adam Rose vs. Fandango vs. Alex Riley vs. Zack Ryder vs. Bo Dallas vs. Hideo Itami vs. Diego vs. Fernando vs. Sin Cara vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Mark Henr vs. Konnor vs. Viktor vs.  Darren Young vs. Heath Slater vs. Titus O’Neil vs. Jack Swagger vs. Big E vs. Xavier Woods vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Erick Rowan vs. Goldust vs. Kane vs. Jimmy Uso vs. Cesaro vs. Ryback vs. The Miz vs. Damien Mizdow in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal 

Light brawling immediately after the bell rings. Axel rips off his AxelMania shirt. Axel is eliminated by all of the competitors. Ryder with a series of right hands to Fandango. O’Neil tries to eliminate Miz. Big Show slaps O’Neil in the chest. Goldust with a chop/jab combination to Young. Ryback tries to eliminate Itami, but Itami holds onto the top rope. Rose and Fandango eliminates each other after battling on the ring apron. Big Show slaps Itami in the chest. Woods chokes Jimmy with his boot. Riley argues with Mizdow and Miz. Mizdow and Miz begin to double team Riley. Riley with a series of right hands to Miz. Mizdow eliminates Riley. Ryder with a leaping forearm to Slater. Ryder goes for the Broski Boot, but Bo Dallas eliminates Ryder. Dallas eliminates himself and does the victory lap. Dallas gets back into the ring and Itami lands a big boot that sends him crashing to the outside. Big Show with the KO Punch that eliminates Itami.

Kane eliminates Los Matadores. Cesaro dumps Sin Cara to the outside. Sin Cara is officially eliminated. Henry launches Tyson Kidd onto Sin Cara and The Matadores. The Ascension double teams Henry. Mark Henry is officially eliminated. Woods with a running boot to Cesaro. Kane tries to eliminate Young, but Young holds onto the bottom rope. Ryback dumps The Ascension over the top rope. The Ascension is eliminated. Ryback goes on to eliminate Young. Ryback press slams Slater to the outside. Heath Slater is officially eliminated. Ryback with a german suplex that eliminates O’Neil. Ryback with the Shell Shock to Swagger. Big Show clotheslines Swagger over the top rope. Jack Swagger is officially eliminated. Big E clotheslines Big Show over the top rope, but Big Show holds onto the bottom rope. Big Show with a running chokeslam that eliminates Big E. Big Show goes on eliminate the entire New Day.

Rowan chokes Big Show with the boot. Mizdow with a neck breaker to Jimmy. Big Show with a running chokeslam that eliminates Rowan. Ryback eliminates Goldust. Ryback goes for the Shell Shock on Big Show, but Kane attacks Ryback. Kane with a Double Chokeslam to Miz and Mizdow. Cesaro bodyslams Kane over the top rope. Kane is officially eliminated. Big Show eliminates Jimmy Uso. Cesaro tries to eliminate Big Show with a series of running clotheslines. Cesaro gets Big Show in position for the body slam, but his back gives out. Big Show dumps Cesaro to the outside. Cesaro is officially eliminated. Ryback connects with the SpineBuster to Big Show.

Ryback goes for the Meat Hook Clothesline, but Big Show eliminates Ryback. Miz and Mizdow talks strategy in the corner. Mizdow refuses to listen to Miz’s orders. Mizdow goes on to eliminate The Miz. Mizdow with a right hand that knocks Miz off the ring apron. Miz is backed away by the referees. Mizdow kicks Big Show in the leg. Big Show tries to eliminate Mizdow, but Mizdow holds onto the top rope. Mizdow clotheslines Big Show. Big Show responds with a running shoulder tackle. Mizdow lowers the bottom rope, but Big Show falls onto the ring apron. Mizdow bites Big Show hand. Big Show kicks Mizdow in the chest. Big Show goes for a ChokeSlam, but Mizdow gets Big Show trapped in the guillotine choke. Big Show dumps Mizdow to the outside to pickup the victory.

Winner: Big Show 


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