WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE SmackDown Results (11/22) – Styles/Ellsworth Ladder Match, Tag Team Turmoil, WWE TLC Build, More

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WWE SmackDown Live Results
November 22nd, 2016
Report by Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

Shane McMahon, Dean Ambrose, James Ellsworth and AJ Styles In-Ring Promo: 

Big Shane-O-Mac chants from the Ottawa crowd. Shane thanks Ottawa for their appreciation. You’ll have to excuse Shane for not being his normal energetic self, but after last Sunday’s 5 on 5 Traditional Survivor Series Match, Shane feels like he’s in a middle of a car crash. When you go to battle with people, there’s a certain amount of respect you’ve gain towards your opponents. Shane gives a shoutout to Team Raw. Shane is very happy that SmackDown came out with the victory. Whether you like Roman Reigns or not, he brings his A-Game all the time just like the other nine competitors in that match. With SmackDown winning, Shane is surprise that he’s going to shoutout the two guys he thought he would have the most problems with, but they ended up being the sole survivors in the match and that’s Randy Orton and Bray Wyatt. Shane asks the other team members to put their personal differences to the side for one hour, but they couldn’t, they’re Dean Ambrose and AJ Styles.

Dean Ambrose comes out to interrupt Shane McMahon. Ambrose wants to know why Shane has little to no energy tonight when it’s a new day and there’s fresh snow in the great white north? Shane said that Ambrose didn’t know SmackDown was going to win when he had his little Shield reunion and triple powerbomb his teammate through an announce table. Ambrose says that Shane is focusing on the negatives. Ambrose says that James Ellsworth is the MVP of Team SmackDown. James Ellsworth comes down to the ring with a neck brace on. Ambrose keeps subtly pushing Shane around. Ambrose says that Shane has a surprise for Ellsworth. Shane says that’s a private deal that will be handled in the back. Ambrose wants to Shane to tell the surprise now. Ellsworth is getting a Team SmackDown Live contract. Shane says that Ambrose has been out of control recently and he’s having the night off.