the undertaker
(Photo by Bob Levey/WireImage)

Who I See The Undertaker Facing At Royal Rumble, James Ellsworth Heel Turn, Win Royal Rumble Tickets Predicting Survivor Series & More

Justin LaBar Podcast

Unfortunately, due to a death in my family earlier in the week we were unable to be in studio to film Chair Shot Reality videos. However, Saturday I had my first “Wrestling Reality” audio show with the Pittsburgh Podcast Network. You can hear the show on every audio platform.

The first half of the show I talk a number of topics:

0:00-7:45 The Undertaker’s future:

The Undertaker is back and is hinting that it’s no more than just WrestleMania. In this same week…WWE announced next year’s Survivor Series which will be it’s 30th anniversary. A big weekend in Houston filled with events. Survivor Series….the same event Undertaker debuted at.

Perhaps that’s the end game and a year away…..or perhaps…I stick by what I wrote about on which is this year’s WrestleMania should be Undertaker versus John Cena. But perhaps….no….never mind perhaps….Undertaker’s appearance on SmackDown Live’s 900th episode made me realize he’s going to be part of Royal Rumble.

Maybe not the rumble 30-man match…but the event. WWE wants to draw big in the Alamo dome…..dome shows normally reserved for Mania….so if they are gonna pull off dome show slash Mania attendance….they need a mania like match made of dreams and originality. Shawn Michaels might be the  San Antonio son but I just don’t know if they can get him back in the ring and potential dishonor his retirement from Undertaker several years ago.

So….Royal Rumble 2017…..San Antonio…..Undertaker…versus….AJ Styles…..

I’ll book it and how it comes together on this episode of  “Wrestling Reality with Justin LaBar” on the Pittsburgh Podcast Network.

7:50-10:20: What’s been going on in my life, the new podcast, giveaway where you can win Royal Rumble tickets in a luxury suite with me &

10:35-14:00: Theories on why Shane McMahon was added to Survivor Series.

14:05-16:40: “Is Goldberg setting the bar low?” His match with Brock Lesnar is discussed.

19:00-19:25: doing NXT Takeover Toronto predictions pool, win up to $300.

19:27-26:25: Dolph Ziggler drops IC title, is there more to this backstage? Plus, Miz vs Zayn.

26:30-29:30: James Ellsworth future likely as full time roster member and why he has to turn heel.

29:35-30:25- Vader in bad health.

30:30-34:15- Joey Styles fired. Why I understand the rule of don’t talk politics, but it’s Joey Styles who was built around extreme, are we getting too SAWFT?

34:17-34:52- WWE has to cut PPV’s in 2017 because it’s costing them.

35:45-51:50: CSR co-host Josh Isenberg joins & we talk Survivor Series match predictions:

Isenberg: I think Shane ultimately hits a big move and takes himself out of the match. Give Shane that one big spot and stretcher himself off. Maybe he never gets officially eliminated but its TKO.

LaBar: I like what you said there, but if Shane does a big spot that takes him out of it, he needs to do it with Braun Strowman. You need something really big like that to take Braun out so he isn’t pinned but can get him out of the match.

More Survivor Series match talk:

Isenberg: Isn’t it interesting that people are enjoying this and know both are part time guys? But 12 years ago everyone hates these guys. Brock Lesnar is going to leave after SS for three months because that’s his schedule. Part time guys have infiltrated wrestling and made it acceptable. Who do we have to thank for that, it’s The Rock and Lesnar.

LaBar: Well you know my thought, some of these fans chase their own tales. Over or under, 8 minutes bell to bell for this match.

Isenberg: Over. I think 12-14.

LaBar: I think 12-14 with entrances.

Isenberg: Main event of Survivor Series?

LaBar: No, I think they end with Team RAW vs SD Live with Owens and Styles.


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