WWE Live Event Butlins Minehead
November 5th 2016
Report by Dave Hodges
Event began with Jojo coming out and announcing a online vote for a exclusive WWE Network clip to be shown later tonight. Clip of season 2 Swerve shown.
Kevin Owens appears on screen to announce
Seth Rollins Vs Kevin Owens in a street fight in main event
Match 1
New day Vs enzo and Big Cass vs sheamus and cesaro vs gallows and anderson
New day win via pin fall after midnight hour
Huge pop for cesaro and enzo and cass
Huge heat on sheamus
Match 2
Sin Cara Vs Curtis Axel
Heat on Axel for using ref as a distraction to sneak attack sin cara after he refused handshake
Sin cara with a Swanton for the victory.
Huge Lucha changes throughout the match
Match 3
Golden truth and Darren Young vs The Shining Stars and Titus o Neill.
Funny moment where primo attacks little jimmy causing R Truth to lose his cool
R Truth picks up the victory
Match 4
Chris Jericho Vs Sami Zayn
Jericho comes out criticizing Minehead. You Suck chants break out. Jericho says there not worthy to make ‘the list’
Crowd comes to life when Zayn plays jericho scarf
Few cheap shots by jericho causing more heat
Sami Zayn wins by blue thunder bomb
Match 5
US Championship
Rusev vs Roman Reigns
Reigns wins via spear after Lana ejected from the ring for interference.
Ref John Cone does cartwheel to acknowledge Lanas ejection
Match 6
Bo Dallas Vs Neville
Fast paced match. Bo Dallas takes control but Neville comes back hitting the Red Arrow for the victory
Match 7
6 women tag team with Emma as special ref
Bayley, Sasha Banks + Alicia Fox Vs Charlotte, Dana Brooke and Nia Jax.
Huge Hey Bailey chant starts the match
Very dominant and methodical break down of Bailey.
Hot tag to sasha banks, Nia Jax misses and hits Charlotte in the corner.
Sasha banks picks up win with the Bank Statement
Main Event
Kevin Owens Vs Seth Rollins
Wwe Universal Title – Street Fight
Seth comes out to huge ovation
Alot of heat immediately on Owens
Owens rolls out of ring seth chases and attacks.
2 count from flying knee by rollins.
Owens comes back using chair to mid section and back of Rollins. Owens celebrates in middle of ring. Chair setup in turn buckle. Rollins head first into chair.
Owens with sleeper on the chair setup in middle.
Seth comes back with a swing blade changing momentum.
Goes off to get table but Owens reverses and puts seth through as soon as it setup.
Setup for powerbomb onto chairs but Seth reverses.
Rollins setup table in the corner. Owens with kendo stick to head. Attempts a pedigree but is low blowed by the Kendo and rolled up for the 3.
Whilst celebrating seth attacks with kendo to the back and puts Owens through the table to end the nights event.
#WeWantBayley #WWEMinehead @AliciaFoxy pic.twitter.com/FoNyYc48J1
— $asha Bank$ (@SashaBanksWWE) November 5, 2016
The main man @WWERomanReigns tonight at #WWEMinehead #wwe pic.twitter.com/gsIgZH8dM1
— Dean Croft (@DeanParamount) November 5, 2016
A million dollar smile and a bad attitude…that’s what @TitusONeilWWE heads down to the ring with! #WWEMinehead pic.twitter.com/nXl4ZMQuU8
— WWE (@WWE) November 5, 2016
I am not sure who cheered and screamed louder for @WWERomanReigns the kids or the mums?!! #WWEMinehead #ladiesfavourite pic.twitter.com/Vz2FdoOEak
— Matt P (@Oscars_Dad) November 5, 2016
#RomanReigns today in #WWEMinehead cred.kanickie pic.twitter.com/QexsIS8S4i
— Roman (@Fileana2) November 5, 2016
They say children are innocent, but hearing their voices scream for @FightOwensFight to be put through a table I’m not so sure! #WWEMinehead pic.twitter.com/LlBTLNutRn
— Matt P (@Oscars_Dad) November 5, 2016
The hugger, the boss, and the foxy one all in #WWEMinehead. Look out, because we’re ! pic.twitter.com/amUIvohV0r
— Sash’. (@BonafideParagon) November 5, 2016