TNA Impact Wrestling Results (10/6) – Edwards vs Lashley, Bound For Glory Fallout

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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
October 6th, 2016 
Report By Joshua Lopez for 

* I would like to apologize to the readers for this article coming out late. Recently for the past four months I’ve been dealing with serious cable and internet issues, that’s why I wasn’t able to deliver this article live last night. My goal with these play by play articles are to deliver an unique transcription of these wrestling show’s that you can’t get anywhere else. If you have any suggestions for these play by play articles going forward please let me know on Twitter @WZJoshLopez 

Bobby Lashley, DJ Zema Ion, Broken Matt Hardy, Aron Rex, Gail Kim, Billy Corgan and Aiden O’Shea In-Ring Segment:

Lashley says that it doesn’t matter whether or not a hero, a business man or a millionaire comes out from the back, because they need to realize that he’s the most legit man in the wrestling business. As far as TNA is concern, he’s the hero, he’s the blue chipper and he’s the number one man because he’s the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Lashley  keeps proving it over and over again, and he just destroys whoever gets thrown out there in front of him. EC3 was just a warning. Lashley is the greatest wrestler on this entire planet. Aron Rex comes out to interrupt Bobby Lashley. Rex greets Lashley. Yes Lashley is TNA’s Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, but at Bound for Glory, Rex’s changed the game. Rex is the first ever Impact Grand Champion, so he’s the man now.

Lashley says that Rex is acting like this is a game. Lashley tells Rex that the Grand Championship doesn’t mean anything. Gail Kim comes down to the ring. Gail says that times are changing, and she is proud to be the first female TNA Hall of Famer, and the Knockout’s Champion. The women are changing the business. Broken Matt Hardy comes down to the ring with Reby and King Maxel. There’s a big Maxel chant. Gail says that she’s creating change, Broken Matt is change. Courtesy of his broken brilliance, TNA no longer lives in a standard universe, they’re are in an broken universe. After the Hardy’s ground breaking victory at the great war and despite the fact that he’s in this ring alone with his beautiful wife Rebecca and King Maxel, he’s always ready to DELETE, DELETE, DELETE, DELETE!.