WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE SmackDown Results (10/4) – Ambrose Responds To Cena, Major Miz TV, Bray Reaches Out To Sister Abigail

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WWE SmackDown Live Results
October 4th, 2016
Report by Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

First Match: Bray Wyatt vs. Kane 

Bray kicks Kane in the gut. Bray with a series of right hands to Kane. Bray stomps on Kane’s chest repeatedly in the corner. Kane whips Bray into the other side of the ring. Kane fires up with a series of haymakers. Bray rakes the eyes of Kane. Bray with two running splashes into Kane in the corner. Bray with a right hand to the jaw of Kane. Bray applies a side headlock. Kane drops Bray with a jaw breaker. Bray responds with a clothesline. Bray goes for a running senton, but Kane rolls out of the way.

Kane with a corner clothesline to Bray. Kane connects with the side walk slam. Kane follows that a jumping DDT. Kane sets up for the Chokeslam, but Bray counters with a uranagi slam followed by a flying senton. Bray gets into his spider walk position, but Randy Orton appears on the titantron upside down. Orton is seeing the world the way Bray sees it, upside down.  At No Mercy, Orton will turn Bray’s world right side up. Orton can play Bray’s games better.  If Bray thinks he’s the predator, come catch his prey. Bray turns around and Kane lands a uppercut. Bray rolls out of the ring. Bray walks to the back and gets counted out.

Winner: Kane via Countout