TNA Tapes Xplosion Match Before Bound for Glory
Prior to last night’s TNA Bound for Glory PPV, Jade defeated Sienna in a match taped for Xplosion.
What Happened After the PPV?
After the PPV was over, Bobby Lashley made his way to the back and EC3 finally recovered. EC3 then grabbed a mic and cut a promo on his main event match at Bound for Glory. He praised Lashley’s ability and main event win, and then praised all the talent in the TNA locker room. Carter added he would go to war with the boys in the back any day, and that ended the PPV.
Photo of Awesome Kong Backstage at BFG
As noted, Awesome Kong made a surprise appearance at TNA Bound for Glory last night, and participated in inducting Gail Kim into the TNA Hall of Fame. Below is a photo of Kong backstage at the PPV along with other former Knockouts who made appearances last night.
Additionally, below is a photo of the first ever Impact Grand Champion, Aron Rex:
#TNAHOF inductee @gailkimITSME backstage with some familiar faces. What a special night it is here at #BoundForGlory. pic.twitter.com/1YKDpCSQ6V
Congrats to @AronRexTNA on being the first ever IMPACT #GrandChampion! A phenomenal match between Aron & @TheEddieEdwards. #BoundForGlory pic.twitter.com/VYleXJoHTD