WWE star Lana recently spoke with WZ Live Tweeter Joshua Caudill of CraveOnline.com to promote the new WWE Studios movie “Interrogation” and below are some interview highlights. You can check out an exclusive clip from the movie in the video player below.
CraveOnline: What can you tell us about your character in Interrogation?
C.J. Perry: My name is Becky in the movie and I play an American FBI computer specialist. She’s really, really smart and she’s really intrigued by different smart minds and computer things. She kind of geeks out over it and finds it fascinating. Stephen Reynolds, the director, wanted to take a different approach on the character and avoid clichés by making her cool.
It was cool that at the time in WWE, I was basically dedicating my matches to Vladimir Putin so it was cool to be able to go from the Russian patriotic Lana to playing this character Becky, who was an American patriotic person.
CraveOnline: How was it working with your co-star Adam “Edge” Copeland on set?
C.J. Perry: Edge is awesome. I was able to meet him a couple of times at Raw before. He’s always giving so much knowledge on the business and on life. He has such a great attitude and he’s so talented and to be able to work with someone that is such a talented actor and an icon and a legend here, a lot of WWE Superstars were really jealous that I got to work with him and do a movie with him.
CraveOnline: What was life like for you when you first moved to L.A. and you were trying to make it into show business before ultimately landing with WWE?
C.J. Perry: Oh, man. Ever since I was a little girl, I had a dream to be an entertainer and I wanted to travel the world telling stories and putting smiles on people’s faces. I can say that L.A. was a lot of ups and downs. When I moved to L.A., I went to Las Vegas first and I literally had $50 in my account. I played some blackjack and got lucky and made $3,000 and basically, moved to L.A. with $3,000 and my car. I would sleep in my car, I would shower at L.A. Fitness and there were a lot of auditions.
I would get a bunch of jobs for a couple of months and not a couple of jobs for like six months. You just get used to a lot of rejection over and over and over again. I was never going to give up the dream. I wasn’t going to go home. I had decided I was going to make it. It’s everything they paint in those movies. That struggle was my life.
With WWE, I got this audition and thought there was no way that I was going to actually get the job. They were doing the WWE Diva Search at the time and I didn’t think I would get the job because I wasn’t a wrestler. I went to that cattle call and kept being called back over and over again and they narrowed us down to the top 12 where Eva Marie and JoJo were also in that top 12 and I remember Triple H being there.
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