Davey Boy Smith Jr Dealing With Sudden Bout With Vertigo, Johnny Gargano Says Farewell, Complete EVOLVE 69 Results

Harry Edit

Davey Boy Smith Jr 

Pro Wrestling Sheet is reporting Davey Boy Smith Jr is dealing with a case of vertigo that might keep him out of a scheduled match with Maybach Taniguchi in Japan on Tuesday. 

Smith told Pro Wrestling Sheet he has felt dizzy since he woke up yesterday and the vertigo is caused by a problem with his ear. Smith is hopeful that he can take medication to help with the bout, but he said: “I feel like I’m on a boat that is crashing. It’s the sh*ts, really.”


The following results are from last night’s EVOLVE 69 event in Brooklyn, NY, courtesy of Shin-Blade. Last night’s show feature the final EVOLVE appearance for Johnny Gargano, who teamed with Cody Rhodes against Drew Galloway and Chris Hero: 

1) Darby Allen def Tony Nese via rollup 
After the match, Darby Allen was given a Evolve contract. 

2) Fred Yehi def Flip Gordon via submission 

3) “Hot Sauce” Tracey Williams def Chuck O’Neil via submission 
After the match, Drew Galloway & Dustin attacked Williams until Drew Gulak & Fred Yehi made the save. Gulak then called out Dustin prompting their grudge match. 

4) Grudge Match
    Dustin def Drew Gulak via interference from Drew Galloway & DDT onto a chair. 

5) “All Ego” Ethan Page def “The Product” David Starr via powerbomb 

6) Matt Riddle def TJ Perkins via guillotine choke. 
After the match, Stokely Hathaway threw TJ Perkins a farewell party while the fans chanted “Thank You, TJ” 

7) Ricochet def Zack Sabre Jr via 630 splash

8) Johnny Gargano & Cody Rhodes def Drew Galloway & Chris Hero via submission 

After the match, Cody Rhodes thanked & gave a farewell speech to Johnny Gargano. Gargano was attacked by Ethan Page before making his farewell speech. Drew Galloway & Dustin soon “buried” Gargano under an Evolve banner until Matt Riddle made the save. Gargano then “passed the torch” to Riddle.