WWE Cruiserweight Classic Results (8/24) – The Elite 8 Is Set, Sabre/Gulak, Perkins vs Gargano

Third Match: TJ Perkins (Philippines) vs. Johnny Garagno (USA) in a Second Round Match in the Cruiserweight Classic Tournament 

Gargano and Perkins shakes hands before the bell rings. Perkins with a leg scissors takedown for a two count. Perkins gets Gargano’s shoulder’s on the mat for a two count. Gargano monkey flips Perkins to the other side of the ring. Perkins gets Gargano in a reverse Indian Death Lock, but Gargano reaches the bottom rope. Gargano with a kick that sends Perkins crashing to the outside. Gargano connects with the suicide dive. Gargano lands a knife edge chop. Gargano rolls Perkins back into the ring. Gargano with a O’Connor Roll for a two count. Gargano gets Perkins trapped in a Surfboard Submission Hold. Perkins counters with a surfboard submission hold of his own. Perkins with a leg scissors takeover. Garagno ducks a clothesline from Perkins. Gargano rolls through and connects with a side kick to the head of Perkins.

Gargano with a flying spear through the middle rope. Gargano brings Perkins into the corner. Gargano lands three consecutive knife edge chops. Gargano places Perkins on the top rope. Perkins gets back on his feet. Perkins connects with the spinning heel kick. Gargano responds with a running enziguri. Both men hit each other with a boot to the face in stereo. Perkins blocks a kick from Gargano. Perkins plants Gargano with a sitout powerbomb for a two count. Gargano with a thrust kick that sends Perkins crashing to the outside. Gargano drops Perkins with a rolling cannonball off the ring apron. Gargano rolls Perkins back into the ring. Perkins with a Detonation Kick. Perkins with a double knee buster for a two count.

Gargano with a series of forearms to Perkins. Perkins with a drop toe hold that sends Gargano into the second rope. Perkins connects with the Springboard Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Perkins ascends to the top rope. Gargano with a standing enziguri to Perkins. Perkins gets Gargano trapped in the Knee Bar. Gargano counters with a Cross Face Submission attempt. Perkins goes to the top rope. Gargano launches Perkins face first into the top turnbuckle. Gargano Lawn Dart’s Perkins into the second turnbuckle pad for a two count. Perkins goes for an enziguri, but Gargano ducks out of the way. Gargano drops Perkins with a SuperKick. Gargano goes for the Dragon Suplex, but Perkins counters with a knee bar and Gargano taps out. 

Winner: TJ Perkins (Philippines) via Submission 

Thank you guy’s so much for checking out our coverage of this week’s Cruiserweight Classic. Make sure to continue the conversation in the WrestleZone Forums. 

You can follow me on Twitter @WZJoshLopez 

Advancing to the Elite 8 of the WWE Cruiserweight Classic: (TJ Perkins, THE Brian Kendrick, Gran Metalik, Rich Swann, Noam Dar, Akira Tozawa, Zack Sabre Jr and Kota Ibushi) 

Make sure to check out Episode 18 of the Josh Lopez Wrestling Podcast. On this week’s show I review this past Sunday’s SummerSlam. My thoughts on NXT Takeover Brooklyn II, This week’s Raw and SD Live and Miz’s promo on Talking Smack. Hope you guys enjoy the show. 

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