WWE Cruiserweight Classic Results (8/24) – The Elite 8 Is Set, Sabre/Gulak, Perkins vs Gargano

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WWE Cruiserweight Classic Results
August 24th, 2016 
Report By Joshua Lopez for WrestleZone.com

First Match: Lince Dorado (Puerto Rico) vs. Rich Swann (USA) in a Second Round Match in the Cruiserweight Classic Tournament 

Swann and Dorado shakes hands before the bell rings. Dorado with a wrist lock and transition into a side headlock. Dorado drops Swann with a shoulder tackle. Swan leapfrogs over Dorado. Dorado rolls Swann up for a two count. Dorado goes for a flying headscissor’s, but Swann gets back on his feet. Dorado dances in the middle of the ring. Swann with a dropkick to the midsection of Dorado. Dorado responds with a springboard missile dropkick that sends Swann crashing to the outside. Dorado follows that up with a springboard crossbody. Dorado rolls Swann back into the ring. Dorado goes for the pin, but Swann kicks out at the count of two.

Swann plants Dorado with a neck breaker for a two count. Swann applies an stretch muffler submission hold. Dorado with a beautiful pinning combination attempt for a two count. Swann and Dorado engage in back and forth forearms. Dorado lands a vicious knife edge chop. Swann with a side kick to the gut of Dorado. Swann goes for a Frankensteiner, but Dorado stands still on the top rope. Dorado and Swann knock each other down with double scissors kicks in stereo. Swann and Dorado engage in back and forth right hands. Dorado with a jumping knee lift to Swann.

Swann launches Dorado to the ring apron. Dorado drops Swann with an enziguri from the ring apron. Dorado follows that up with a flying crossbody off the top rope for a two count. Dorado goes for a german suplex, but Swann holds onto the ropes. Dorado goes for it again, but Swann gets back on his feet. Swann drops Dorado with a single leg lariat. Swann goes for the Standing 450 Splash, but Dorado gets his knees up in the air for a two count. Dorado with a series of kicks to Swann. Swann leapfrogs over Dorado. Dorado plants Swann with a reverse hurricanrana for a two count. Dorado drags Swann into the corner. Dorado goes for the Shooting Star Press, but Swan rolls out of the way. Swann connects with the Phoenix Splash to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Rich Swann (USA) 

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