WWE Cruiserweight Classic Results (8/24) – The Elite 8 Is Set, Sabre/Gulak, Perkins vs Gargano

Second Match: Drew Gulak (USA) vs. Zack Sabre Jr (UK) in a Second Round Match in the Cruiserweight Classic Tournament 

Gulak refuses to shake Sabre hands before the bell rings. Gulak grapples around Sabre. Sabre with a double leg takedown. Sabre grapples around Gulak and we go to a stale mate. Gulak applies an waist lock. Sabre reverses into an wrist lock. Sabre transitions into a straight jacket hold. Gulak with two springboard flying stomps to the head of Sabre. Gulak lands a knife edge chop. Gulak connects with the Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Gulak headbutt’s the midsection of Sabre. Gulak applies an armbar. Gulak slaps the chest of Sabre. Sabre gets out of the hold by kicking Gulak in the head. Gulak goes for a flying double axe handle, but Sabre gets his trapped in the Fujiwara Armbar. Gulak powers out and gets Sabre in a Gory Special submission hold. Gulak transitions into a boston crab.

Sabre rolls Gulak up for a two count. Gulak with a fireman’s carry takeover for a two count. Gulak continues to ground Sabre as he applies a rear chin lock. Sabre gets Gulak in a Octopus Submission Hold. Gulak gets out of the hold by grabbing the leg of Sabre. Gulak gets Sabre in the Ankle Lock. Gulak gets Sabre in a Electric Chair position, but Sabre counters by applying a Kimura Lock. Sabre goes for the  Gulak bodyslams Sabre into the ropes. Sabre drops Gulak with a Penalty Kick for a two count. Gulak with a boot to the face of Sabre. Sabre rolls Gulak up for a two count. Gulak and Sabre engage in back and forth palm strikes. Gulak with a sunset flip into an pinning position for a two count. Gulak goes for the Dragon Sleeper, but Sabre counters with a rollup with a bridge to pickup the victory.

Winner: Zack Sabre Jr (UK) 

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