TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/18) – Major Announcement, Moose vs Edwards, James Storm Snaps

Bobby Lashley, DJ Zema Ion, Mandrews and Braxton Sutter Backstage Segment: 

Sutter says he knows Lashley is the X Division Champion, but he doesn’t have to be a prick about it.  Lashley says he has an announcement that’ll affect all of them, and DJ Z says he took him to the limit, and the winner of their match tonight should get a shot at him because he knows he can beat Lashley.

Third Match: DJ Zema Ion vs. Rockstar Spud vs. Mandrews vs. Braxton Sutter 

Spud immediately talks smack to Sutter before the bell rings. Sutter goes to the ground and pound attack. DJZ, Sutter and Mandrews triple teams Spud. Mandrews schoolboy’s Spud for a one count. Spud tosses Sutter to the outside. DJZ with a enziguri to Spud. Mandrews with a wrecking ball dropkick to Sutter. Mandrews follows that up with a moonsault off the ring apron. DJZ drops Mandrews and Sutter with the Somersault Plancha. DJZ leapfrogs over Spud. DJZ connects with a flying clothesline.

DJZ with a back elbow to Spud in corner. DJZ follows that up with a hurricanrana. Mandrews drops DJZ with the Northern Lights Suplex. Mandrews goes for the standing moonsault, but DJZ rolls out of the way. DJZ goes for a monkey flip, but Sutter counters with a powerslam. Mandrews with a standing back flip. Sutter drops Mandrews with a exploder suplex. Spud whips Sutter face first into the top turnbuckle. Spud tries to rip off the teeth of Sutter. DJZ ducks a kick from Mandrews and whips him into Sutter in the corner. DJZ plants Mandrews with a DDT to pickup the victory. 

Winner: DJ Zema Ion