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WWE SmackDown Results (8/9) – Ziggler & Ambrose Teams Up, Orton vs Del Rio, Alexa Bliss & Carmella’s In-Ring Debuts

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WWE SmackDown Live Results
August 9th, 2016
Report by Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

Randy Orton & Alberto Del Rio Backstage Interview: 

Randy walks into Rabobank Arena. Orton is approached by Charly Carusso. Charly informs Randy that he’ll be in the main event against Alberto Del Rio tonight. Charly asks Randy how he’s staying focused on Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam? Orton says Lesnar may be big and bad, but it only takes one RKO to get to Viperville. Del Rio joins the conversation. Viperville sounds like a joke, something like Disneyland. Orton offers Del Rio a VIP experience but warns him that it’s a bumpy ride with a helluva landing. Del Rio threatens to break Orton’s arm. 

Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler In-Ring Promo: 

Bray walks down to the ring with Erick Rowan. Bray would like to make something very clear. Last week, he did not fall to Dolph Ziggler. He’s the victim. Dolph Ziggler was desperate and in his desperation came deception. Dolph ran his face into the steel because he knew it was the only way. Then things went black for him. Everything was taken from him again. What Dolph doesn’t understand is that he’s a god. No matter how hard you try or what you do, you can never kill a god. If you don’t believe him, you can ask your friend Dean Ambrose. He knows Bray well. Bray says Dean would tell you his teeth are very sharp and they will cut through you like knifes. What you fail to realize is that this is his show now. They are not puppets in a corporate war. This is Bray Wyatt against the whole damn world. Ambrose comes out to interrupt Bray. Ambrose says that this is a new era when Bray is playing the victim card.

Ambrose talks about Bray spouting off some bibilcal mumbo jumbo and he’s not the Eater of Worlds, he is a big baby. Ambrose tells Bray to get off the podium because Smackdown does not belong to you, it belongs to the people. It also belongs to the WWE Champion. Bray tells Dean to come into the ring and whisper into his ear if he wants him off his podium. Bray would like nothing more than to run into the ring and go into a two on one beat down. Dean says he is smart enough to know a bad deal. The more you stand out here and run your mouth and get under his skin, it makes him want to come to the ring and shove those fancy words down your throat. Dolph Ziggler storms into the ring. The Wyatt’s double teams Ziggler, but Ambrose joins the fray. Ambrose sends Rowan over the top rope. Bray goes for the Sister Abigail, but Ziggler counters with a Superkick to Ambrose. Bray plants Ambrose with the Sister Abigail.