TNA Impact Wrestling Results (8/4): Bound For Glory Playoff Finals, Huge Title For Title Match Signed For Next Week!


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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
August 4th, 2016 
Report By Lovell Porter for

During a backstage segment taped last week, Drew Galloway says if he told us what he planned to do to EC3 for costing him his shot at the TNA title, this video would be used as evidence against him.

In-ring segment: EC3 and Mike Bennett w/Maria Kanellis Bennett

Bennett tells EC3 that it must be nice having an aunt in high places. EC3 tells Bennett that his aunt has nothing to do with this. Bennett says Dixie Carter has been against him since he arrived. He had the hardest road in the Bound for Glory playoffs. No matter what happens EC3 will never be able to take away the fact that Bennett was the first person to defeat him. EC3 says tonight they will find out who truly is “Bound for Glory”.

Moose walks down the ramp. EC3 is distracted long enough for Bennett to attack EC3 from behind. Moose and Bennett destroy EC3. Moose choke bombs EC3 off the top rope to cap off the beat down.

Backstage, Eli Drake says no one should be talking but him because he is E-LI Drake. James Storm will find out what that means later tonight.

Via a vignette, Rosemary tells Bram the first part of the story of how she became who she is today.

King of the Mountain Championship Match: Eli Drake (c) vs James Storm

Before Drake can make it down the ramp, Storm attacks him. Storm grabs Drake by the head and slams him into the guardrail. Storm tosses Drake into the ring and attempts a quick pin, but Drake kicks out at two. Drake hot shots Storm onto the top rope. Drake follows that up with a modified neck breaker for a two count.mDrake whips Storm into the ropes, but storm responds with a clothesline. Storm lands a neck breaker of his own. Storm sets up for the Eye of the Storm, but Drake fights out of it. Storm spine buster Drake. Storm mounts the top rope, but Drake cuts him off. Drake hits a superplex, followed by a snap power slam. Storm somehow manages to kick out. 

Drake rolls to the outside and grabs the KOTM title. Drake tries to hit Storm with the belt, but Strom kicks it out of Drake’s hands and hits the Eye of the Storm! Drake barely gets his shoulders off the mat to break the count. Drake grabs Storm’s beer and takes a swig. Drake spits the beer in the referee’s face. Storm rolls up Drake, but the referee is trying to recover from the beer in his eyes. Drake hits Storm in the head with the belt. Drake goes for the pin, but Storm kicks out! Drake attempts a springboard, but Storm hits him with the Last Call in midair for the victory!

Winner and NEW King of the Mountain Champion, James Storm!


The TNA champion and X-Division champion Lashley walks out as Storm is celebrating. Lashley says the reason they are champions is because the beat people up. Storm points to the TNA title and says he wants it. Lashley says Storm has something he wants. Lashley is on a mission to collect every TNA singles championship. Lashley challenges Storm to a title vs title match. Storm accepts.

Backstage, Gail Kim asks Maria who she will be fighting tonight. Maria says Kim will never get a shot at the Knockouts title again. Tonight she will be fighting Allie.

Bram and Rosemary are still at an undisclosed location. Bram asks if they can leave. Rosemary begs him to stay. She has never told anyone this and she wants to tell him now.

Gail Kim vs Allie

Maria comes out to tell Kim that she will actually have two opponents in this match tonight. Kim will face Allie, and the TNA Knockouts Champion, Sienna.


Kim tries to attack Allie, but Sienna smashes her from behind. Sienna steps on Kim’s neck and tells Allie to get in the ring. Allie refuses. Sienna tags Allie in. Sienna tries to teach Kim how to stomp. Kim drops Allie, but Sienna gets back in the ring and saves Allie. Sienna and Allie take turns beating down Kim. Kim attempts a body scissors, but Sienna reverses it into a wheel barrel suplex. Allie tags in and picks up Kim for a body slam. Allie can’t quite get Kim up. Kim falls onto Allie. Sienna grabs Kim and pulls her off of Allie. Kim knocks Sienna off of the apron. Kim is all alone with Allie. Kim splashes Allie in the corner. Kim hits a modified neck breaker. Kim sets up Eat da feat, but Sienna breaks it up. Sienna hits the Ak-47 on Kim. Allie pins Kim, but Kim somehow kicks out. Sienna goes for the Silencer, but Kim moves out of the way, which causes Sienna to run over Allie. Kim tosses Sienna out of the ring and pins Allie.

Winner- Gail Kim

Backstage, Broken Matt Hardy yells that Brother Nero cost him his shot at the TNA title. Broken Matt says he is going to go into the Impact Zone and tell a story. After that, Brother Nero will know what he must do next.

In Ring Segment- Broken Matt Hardy

Broken Matt calls out Brother Nero. Jeff Hardy joins him in the ring. Broken Matt blames Jeff for tarnishing the Hardy brand for years. Everyone always loved Jeff more. Why? Because Jeff is nothing but a spot monkey. The only reason Broken Matt came to TNA was because Jeff asked him to. They won the tag titles, but Jeff betrayed him by getting hurt. Starting tonight Jeff will win the TNA tag titles on his own to make up for the money he cost Broken Matt by getting hurt. Jeff has a match right now against a local tag team. Broken Matt tells Jeff that he is banned from using the top rope during this match.

Broken Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy vs Local Talent

As Jeff is getting pounded in the ring, a fan touches Broken Matt. Broken Matt drags the fan over the guardrail and bites off the fans ear. Jeff hits a Twist of Fate. Jeff attempt to go up top, but Broken Matt stands in front of him while yelling at him to not do it. Jeff jumps over Broken Matt and hits a Swanton Bomb. Broken Matt hits a twist of fate on Jeff then tags himself in. Broken Matt gets the pin to end it.

Winners- Broken Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy

The Tribunal vs Grado and Shera

Grado immediately gets trapped in the opposite corner. Al Snow, Baraka, and Dax take turns beating him down. Shera accidentally distracts the referee as Grado rolls up Snow with a small package. Snow kicks out. Grado tags in Shera. Shera scoop slams each member of the Tribunal. Shera clears the ring. Grado rolls back into the ring. Shera tosses Grado into Snow for the cannonball. Stereo power slams by Shera and Grado on Dax and Baraka. Shera hits the Sky High on Snow for the win.

Winners- Grado and Shera

Rosemary and Bram at back. Rosemary tells Bram that on Valentine’s day she got her heart broken. She decided at the moment she would show everyone that she isn’t like all the other girls. Bram tries to leave again. Rosemary tells him to stay again. Bram tells her everyone has gotten their hearts broken on Valentine’s day. She needs to get over it. Rosemary freaks out and grabs an ax. Crazy Steve and Abyss appear and knockout Bram. The Decay drag Bram to a car and toss him in the trunk.

Bound for Glory Playoff Finals- The Miracle Mike Bennett vs EC3

EC3 floors Bennett with a shoulder tackle. EC3 picks up Bennett and lights him up with multiple short arm knife edge chops. Bennett surprises EC3 with a big boot for a two count. EC3 ducks Bennett’s clothesline attempt and responds with a clothesline of his own. EC3 press slams Bennett. EC3 hits the ropes for a splash, but Bennett gets his knees up.

After a short break, Bennett is working an abdominal stretch on EC3. Bennett reaches out and gets a hand from Maria on the outside. EC3 hip tosses Bennett to break the hold. Spine buster by Bennett for another near fall. EC3 and Bennett both attempt a crossbody which leads to them both writhing in pain in the middle of the ring. Bennett and EC3 trade punches. EC3 hits a jawbreaker on Bennett. EC3 misses the EC3 splash in the corner. Bennett waist locks EC3 and German suplexes him twice. Bennett attempts another, but EC3 reverses and destroys Bennett with a release German suplex. Flapjack by EC3. EC3 calls for the One Percenter, but Bennett reverses. EC3 rolls up Bennett and transitions into a sit out powerbomb for another near fall. EC3 Russian leg sweeps Bennett into the turnbuckle EC3 climbs the ropes, but Maria distracts him long enough for Bennett to cut EC3 off.


Bennett hits a cutter off the top for a two count. Maria tosses a kendo stick into the ring. The referee ejects Maria from ringside. EC3 hits the One Percenter, but Bennett kicks out. Moose comes to ringside. Eddie Edwards comes from outta nowhere and takes out Moose via a suicide dive! Bennett smashes EC3 in the ribs with the kendo stick and hits the MIP. EC3 kicks out at 2.9. EC3 locks in his cobra clutch, but Bennett turns it into a pin. EC3 again manages to kick out. Bennett lifts up EC3 for another MIP. EC3 reverse that into the One Percenter for the win!

Winner and New Number One Contender for the TNA Championship, EC3!


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