Photo Credit: El Rey Network

Lucha Underground Ultima Lucha Dos Results (7/20) – Puma vs Mysterio, New Champion Crowned, Matanza/Pentagon


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Ultima Lucha Dos Part III Results
July 20th, 2016
Report By Joshua Lopez for

– Pentagon Jr is talking to his master Vampiro. Vampiro says that he saw fear in Pentagon’s eyes at Aztec Warfare. Pentagon walks into a tunnel. We see a cool vignette of Pentagon Jr overcoming his fears in preparation for his fight with Matanza Cueto tonight. 

First Match: Johnny Mundo, PJ Black and Jack Evans (c) vs. Drago, Aerostar and Fenix for the Lucha Underground Trio’s Championship 

Fenix and Mundo starts off this match. Mundo pokes Fenix in the eye. Mundo with a back/neck breaker combination. Mundo with a leg drop and Fenix rolls out of the ring. Drago plants Mundo with a spinning DDT. Black with a running thrust kick to the chest of Drago. Black goes for a springboard moonsault, but Drago rolls out of the way. Aerostar with a spinning corkscrew splash off the top rope. Evans tries to school boy Aerostar. Fenix with a enziguri that knocks Black off the ring. Fenix, Drago and Aerostar is backed away from the referee. Mundo tags in Black. Mundo and Black double teams Fenix in the corner. Black tags in Evans. Evans with rapid fire stomps to the ribs of Fenix. Black shoves his boot down Fenix’s throat. Black tags in Evans.

Evans with a right hand to the gut of Fenix. Evans whips Fenix back first to the corner. Evans with a flying elbow to the back of Kalisto. Mundo, Black and Evans with a triangle suplex to Fenix for a two count. Donnie brooke breaks out as all the competitors are in the ring. Fenix whips Evans to the ring apron. Fenix with a superkick that sends Evans crashing to the outside. Aerostar with the Mexican Destroyer to Mundo off the top rope. Aerostar with a flying crossbody to the outside to Black and Evans. Fenix connects with the Frog Splash for a two count. Mundo with a running knee strike to the face of Fenix for a two count. Drago drops Black with the Somersault Plancha.