WWE RAW Results (7/18): Raw and Smackdown GM’s Named, a New Champion Crowned?

John Cena, Enzo, Cass, and The New Day vs The Wyatt Family and The Club

Cena shoulder blocks Anderson and he tags in Erick Rowen. Cena floors Rowen. Rowen tags in Luke Gallows. Cena tries to shoulder block Gallows, but Cena bounces off of him like a fly. Cena tags in Big E., who takes Gallows over with a belly-to-belly suplex. Gallows tags in Braun Stroman. Braun decimates Big E. with a clothesline. Big E. tags in Enzo. Enzo runs into Stroman and bounces right off of him. Cass tags himself in and goes nose to nose with Strowman. Everyone gets in the ring and a huge brawl breaks out. The ring is cleared and only Cass and Strowman are left. Cass attacks Strowman, but before he can hit his big boot Kingston tags himself in. Kingston dives off the top, but Strowman catches him and slams him to the mat. 

After the break, Bray is assaulting Kingston. Kingston surprises Bray with a kick to the head. Kingston manages to make it to the corner to tag in Cena. Cena hits the almost hits the five moves of doom, but Bray spider walks before Cena can hit the five knuckle shuffle. Cena stops dead in his tracks. Bray clotheslines Cena. The Wyatt Family tags in and out, each spending time beating down Cena. Styles tags himself in and stomps on Cena. Styles gets in Bray’s face and tells him he isn’t nothing. Bray just laughs. Cena tries to make the tag, but Styles picks him up with a fireman’s carry into a knee to the back of the head. Now The Club takes turns beating down Cena.



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