WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (7/29/19)

July 29, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s RAW Results

24/7 Championship Mosh Pit Tag Team Match: R-Truth (c) and Carmella vs. Drake Maverick and Renee

WWE Superstars are posted up around the ring. As soon as the bell rings Maverick rolls up R-Truth for a near fall. Leg drop by R-Truth. Maverick kicks out. Renee breaks up a pin. Carmella hits the ring and attacks Renee. R-Truth pins Maverick after a gourd buster.

Winners- R-Truth

After the match, Everyone pins R-Truth at the same time. As the pile starts to separate, Mike Kanellis was at the bottom. Mike is the new 24/7 Champion

Winner and NEW 24/7 Champion, Mike Kanellis!

Mike runs backstage. Everyone follows. Maria walks up and clutches at her stomach. Maria screams for her husband. Everyone runs away. Mike refuses to open the door. How does he know it’s Maria? Maria yells that if Mike doesn’t open the door she is going to kick Mike in the vagina. Mike opens the door.

Gauntlet Match (Winner Gets a U.S. Title Shot at SummerSlam): Rey Mysterio vs. Ricochet vs. Cesaro vs. Sami Zayn vs. Andrade w/Zelina Vega

Mysterio and Cesaro are the first two competitors. Cesaro takes down Mysterio and gets two kick near falls. Prawn hold by Mysterio. Cesaro kicks out. Clothesline by Cesaro. Mysterio tries to ranna Cesaro over the top rope. Cesaro lands on his feet. Mysterio swings Cesaro into the ring apron. Sliding splash by Mysterio. Mysterio clutches as his knee. Springboard ranna by Mysterio. Cesaro avoids the 619. Mysterio head scissors Cesaro into the crowd. After the break, Cesaro hits a top rope elbow. Mysterio kicks out. Mysterio knocks Cesaro off the top rope. Mysterio gets a near fall after a senton. Cesaro catches Mysterio with a nasty European uppercut as Mysterio springboarded off the top. Cesaro tries to powerbomb Mysterio, but Mysterio sends Cesaro flying into the middle turnbuckle. Mysterio goes up top but Cesaro quickly cuts him off with a leaping European uppercut. Cesaro carries Mysterio to the top rope. After a series of counters while up top, Mysterio eventually hits an avalanche wheelbarrow bulldog. Mysterio hits a frog splash for the pin.

Cesaro has been eliminated.



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