Photo Credit: El Rey Network

Ultima Lucha Dos Results (7/13) – New Champion Crowned, Cuerno vs. Mil Muertes


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Ultima Lucha Dos Part II Results
July 13th, 2016
Report By Joshua Lopez for

First Match: Daga vs. Sexy Star vs. Sinestro De La Muerte vs. Mariposa vs. Killshot vs. Marty “The Moth” Martinez vs. Night Claw in a Gift of the Gods Elimination Match for the Vacant Gift of the God’s Championship 

Killshot with a running spear that sends him and Martinez crashing to the floor. Star with a boot to the face of Mariposa. Daga drops Star with a enziguri. Daga applies a side headlock on Night Claw. Night Claw with a dropkick to Daga. Muerte goes for the sunset flip, but Night Claw counters with a roll up of his for a two count. Mariposa is choking Star with her boot. Night Claw with a boot to the face of Muerte. Martinez whips Killshot back first to the ring apron. Muerte ducks a clothesline. Muerte connects with the Dragon Sleeper. Daga drops Night Claw with a neck breaker. Daga with a running dropkick to Muerte in the corner. Night Claw connects with a running knee strike to Daga. Night Claw plants Muerte with the C4. Muerte is now eliminated. 

Daga with a flying tope onto Night Claw on the outside. Mariposa ascends to the top rope. Star sends Mariposa crashing to the outside. Star with a Twisting Plancha onto Night Claw, Martinez and Mariposa. Killshot with a spinning corkscrew splash. Martinez follows that up with a somersault plancha. Martinez rolls Daga back into the ring. Martinez with a boot to the face of Daga. Daga gets Martinez trapped in the Cross Armbreaker. Martinez gets out of the submission hold by buckle bombing Daga. Night Claw with a flying leg drop to Daga and Martinez. Daga goes for the german suplex, but Night Claw gets back on his feet. Daga ascends to the rope. Night Claw with a standing enziguri. Night Claw with a Frankensteiner to Daga. Night Claw with a 450 Splash to Daga. Daga is eliminated.