Pro Wrestling Guerrilla

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla BOLA Dates Announced, Note On Reaction To SD Ratings, Update On CMLL Star Working Cruiserweight Classic

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla 

Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter 

The 2016 Pro Wrestling Guerrilla “Battle of Los Angeles” tournament will take place on 9/2, 9/3 and 9/4 in Reseda, California. 

WWE Smackdown 

While this week’s WWE Smackdown rating and viewership numbers were the lowest they’ve been since moving to USA Network, it’s not expected to get a big reaction within the company. 

Smackdown is said to be in a “lame duck” situation until the move to live on Tuesdays starting July 19th, and bad ratings won’t get much of a reaction for the remaining weeks it airs taped on Thursdays. 


WWE Cruiserweight Classic

One of the more surprising names in the field of 32 names in the WWE Cruiserweight Classic is Gran Metalik, who competes as Mascara Dorada in CMLL.

Dorado is one of the promotion’s biggest stars, and he’s probably competing in the CWC without CMLL’s blessing, considering he’s not using that name. CMLL does allow talent to take indy dates, but it’s unclear what their position is on this.