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WWE NXT Results (6/1): The Revival in Action, NXT Women’s Title Contract Signing, and More!

After a short break, Dash is working over Ciampa’s leg. Ciampa rolls Wilder up for a two count. Wilder and Dawson take turns working over Ciampa’s leg. Ciampa manages to tag in Gargano. Flying clothesline from Gargano to Dawson. Gargano takes Dawson over for his rolling head kick. Gargano spears Dawson through the ropes for a two count. Dawson obliterates Gargano with a DDT. Ciampa breaks up the pinfall. Dawson sits Gargano on the top rope. Dawson super plexes Gargano off the top. Before Dawson could float over, Gargano turns it into a small package for the win!

Winners- Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano

After the match, The Revival assaults Ciampa and Gargano. The Revival hits the shatter machine on Ciampa. The Revival are about to try to break Ciampa’s leg, but American Alpha hits the ring and makes the save.

NXT Women’s Title Contract Signing

William Regal tries to put over Asuka, but Nia Jax grabs the mic and says Asuka has been running from her. Jax adds that Asuka hasn’t done anything. She beat Bayley? Jax says she broke Bayley. Jax signs the contract. Asuka tells Jax that she talks too much and signs the contract. Asuka yells something in Japanese at Jax. Asuka says if Jax isn’t scared of her, she should be. Asuka gets in Jax’s face. Asuka lands a flurry of kicks and punches. Asuka tries a head kick, but Jax grabs her leg and powerbombs her. Jax shakes her head and walks away.

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