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WWE NXT Results (6/1): The Revival in Action, NXT Women’s Title Contract Signing, and More!

Buddy Murphy vs Tye Dillinger

Dillinger takes Murphy over with a headlock takeover. Dillinger takes a moment to tell Murphy that he is a perfect 10. Dillinger arm drags Murphy and locks in an armbar. Murphy forces Dillinger into the corner. Dillinger back body drops Murphy out to the apron. Murphy grabs Dillinger by the hair and slams him down to the mat. Murphy lands a running punch to Dillinger in the corner. Murphy slaps on a side headlock. Dillinger reverses it into a pin for a two count. Dillinger lights up Murphy’s chest with a few chops, followed by a Thez press. Dillinger goes for the 10 punch in the corner, but Murphy pushes him off before the 10th punch. Dillinger superkick Murphy and gets his tenth punch. Dillinger picks Murphy up for a fireman’s carry into a knee to the back of the head for the victory.

Winner- Tye Dillinger

During a prerecorded interview, Corey Graves ask Finn Bálor what was going through his mind when he lost the NXT title. Bálor says he never thought that he would lose his title at a house show. He doesn’t regret giving Samoa Joe the title shot. Graves ask Joe how he felt in Lowell when he won the title. Joe says it was only a matter of time until he reached his goal. Joe goes on to say that Bálor made him jump through hoops to get his shots to begin with. Bálor says Joe came in with a sense of entitlement; there are 100 other guys that deserve a shot before Joe did. Graves asks how their friendship went sour. Bálor says he doesn’t know what happened to the guy he has known for 10 years. Graves says Bálor has said numerous times that he only survived Joe. Bálor says he may have only survived, but he survived and won. Bálor says that title is the most important thing to him. He doesn’t care about his career being in danger stepping into his first cage match ever. Bálor says Joe stabbed him in the back. Joe said he stabbed him in the back because Bálor was too busy running away from him. Joe and Bálor go face to face. Bálor tells Joe to enjoy the belt while it lasts. Joe tells Bálor that it’s all over for him.