This WrestleZone Radio exclusive features Nick Hausman interviewing former WWE & WCW Tag Team Champion Brian Knobs.
You can find more information about the interview as well as some transcribed quotes below.
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On the current WWE product:
BK: Vince is a brilliant man. Now they’ve got Triple H in there. They are doing a good job. I watch them. They’ve got Shane back in the mix now and he’s been a good friend to me and Saggs for a long time. They are doing really good stuff. I watch the show and it looks good. Roman Reigns, I know his brother and his Dad, Sika, very well. His brother Matt used to be Rosie. They’re bringing in a lot of different characters. It’s good. You need that. You need to bring new guys in and get good, fresh blood. So you don’t see the same old matches over and over again.
On whether the current WWE in-ring product moves too quickly:
BK: I think they could slow it down a little bit. Some of the really powerful moves shouldn’t have them up in three seconds to get another powerful move. It’s like, “BOOM!” and then people go, “WOW!” and all of a sudden they’re up and doing something else. It used to be more of a steady pace. Let’s put it that way. Today they go really fast. Some of the things they do are just amazing. It’s a wonder they don’t have, knock on wood, more injuries. A lot of guys are high flying. Flying from here to here. Look what Shane did off the top of that cage. That was insane. I mean, Jesus. Unbelievable. But hey, that’s what the people are looking for these days.
This interview is in conjunction with Legends of Wrestling’s upcoming “Invasion of PNC Park” at the June 22nd Pittsburgh Pirates game against the San Francisco Giants. Featuring Kevin Nash, Booker T, Kurt Angle, Tito Santana & The Nasty Boys.
Some of the topics of discussion include:
- Legends of Wrestling’s last show with the Miami Marlins
- The rich history of pro wrestling in Florida
- Legends of Wrestling invading PNC Park and the Pittsburgh Pirates on June 22nd
- All of the different activities the Legends will be participating in during the game
- All of the options Kurt Angle has at the moment
- His thoughts on Kurt Angle returning to WWE as a trainer or performer
- His memories of traveling the road with Micro Championship Wrestling
- The odds that midget wrestling could become main stream in American pro wrestling again
- The strip club party that he and Jerry Saggs hosted during WrestleMania weekend
- Jeff Jarrett pushing him to the ground during WrestleCon
- What he thinks of GFW
- The Nasty Boys match with The Hart Foundation at WrestleMania 7
- All of the hardcore matches that became fashionable in the 90’s
- How concussions used to be handled
- The toughness of Fit Finlay
- Whether or not he would bring back the Hardcore Championship
- WWE not featuring managers anymore
- Bob Backlund’s work with Darren Young
- Why it’s harder to get in to the business now than it was when he did
- More…
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