WWE SmackDown Results (5/5) – The Samoan Dynasty Clashes With The Club, Miz/Zayn, Make Darren Young Great Again?

First Match: Sami Zayn vs. The Miz w/Maryse 

Miz and Zayn locks up. Zayn applies a wrist lock. Miz reverses the hold. Zayn rolls through with a arm ringer. Zayn applies a armbar. Zayn connects with a series of deep armdrags. Zayn with a big right hand to Miz in the corner. Miz sends Zayn face first to the top turnbuckle. Miz stomps on Zayn’s chest. Zayn leapfrogs over Miz and lands a leg lariat for a two count. Zayn applies a side headlock. Miz drags Zayn to the corner. Clean break then Miz kicks Zayn in the gut. Zayn fires up and lands a lethal lariat. Zayn clotheslines Miz over the top rope. Miz drives Zayn back first to the ring apron. Miz tries to send Zayn shoulder first to the barricade, but Zayn counters with a moonsault off the barricade. Zayn rolls Miz back into the ring. Kevin Owens music hits. Owens walks down to the ring. Miz connects with a flying corner clothesline. Owens joins the commentary table.

Miz drops Zayn with a double axe handle. Zayn with a victory roll for a two count. Zayn chops Miz in the chest. Zayn lands a series of forearms to Miz. Zayn lowers the bottom rope and Miz crashes to the bottom rope. Zayn connects with the somersault plancha. Owens stands up and talk smacks to Zayn. Zayn rolls Miz back into the ring. Owens storms into the ring and attacks Zayn from behind. Owens lands a series of right hands to Zayn. Miz & Owens begin to double team Zayn. Cesaro comes down to make the save. Cesaro brings Owens & Miz upon the Uppercut Train. Cesaro gets Miz in position for the Cesaro Swing, but Maryse holds on. Cesaro drags Miz & Maryse back into the ring. Cesaro launches Owens over the top rope. Miz & Maryse rolls out of the ring. Cesaro grabs the Intercontinental Champion and raises it up in the air. 

Winner: Sami Zayn via DQ