WWE Raw Results

WWE RAW Results (10/28/19)

Oct 28, 2019
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Last Week’s Monday Night RAW Results

Paige walks out on the ramp to introduce the Kabuki Warriors. Paige puts over Asuka and Sane. Asuka snatches thee mic from Paige and says something in Japanese. Paige takes the mic back. Sane snatches it from Paige. Sane laughs at Paige. Asuka spits the green mist in Paige’s eyes. Asuka stalks Paige outside the ring. Becky Lynch’s music hits. Lynch power walks to the ring.

Becky Lynch vs. Kairi Sane

Lynch walks into a beatdown by Sane and Asuka. Lynch sends Asuka into the timekeeper’s area. After the break, the match officially gets started. Lynch beats Sane into the corner. Sane rolls out of the ring. Sane catches Lynch with a palm strike. Sane stomps Lynch in the corner. Lynch surprises Sane with a bulldog. Lynch goes up top. Sane yanks Lynch off the top rope. Sane misses an ax kick. Lynch takes Sane over with a few arm drags. Lynch puts Sane in a hammerlock. Sane gets to her feet. Sane tries a leapfrog out of the corner. Lynch side steps Sane. Lynch kicks Sane in the face. Lynch almost locks in the DisArmHer but Sane once again rolls out of the ring. Sane tries a sneak attack but Lynch floors her with a right hand.

Sane kicks Lynch, sending her into the ringsteps. After the break, Lynch matrixes out of Sane’s pin. Lynch fires up. Lynch lights Sane up with a few forearms. Exploder suplex by Lynch. Sane kicks out. Sane rolls Lynch into the anchor. Lynch reverses it into a pin. Sane kicks out. Lynch tries a suplex but Sane counters into a nasty DDT. Lynch somehow manages to get her shoulder off the mat before the three count. Sane goes up top for the InSANE elbow. Lynch cuts Sane off. Lynch launches Sane off the top rope. Irish Jam by Lynch. Sane kicks out! Lynch is beside herself. Sane destroys Lynch with a spinning back fist after Lynch blasted Asuka with an elbow off the apron. Sane screams in Lynch’s face in anger. Lynch surprises Sane by rolling her into the DisArmHer. Sane taps out.

Winner- Becky Lynch

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