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WWE RAW Results (4/11): Bullet Club Members Debut, Reigns and Wyatt Team Up, Styles vs Zayn and More!

Cesaro vs Kevin Owens

Owens and Cesaro lock up. Owens goes behind Cesaro. Standing switch into a take down by Cesaro. Cesaro rides Owens’ back until Owens gets to the ropes. Owens gets upset and goes nuts on the outside of the ring. Owens gets back in the ring and Cesaro meets him. Owens lands a right hand, but Cesaro responds with a European uppercut. Owens surprises Cesaro with a front face DDT. Owens works over Cesaro’s surgically repaired shoulder. Owens locks in a hammer lock. Cesaro tries to fight out of it, but Owens sends Cesaro to the mat with an arm whip. Owens goes back to the hammer lock. Cesaro fights out again and almost takes off Owens’ head with a roaring European uppercut.Cesaro puts Owens on the uppercut train. After four European uppercuts Cesaro floors Owens with a drop kick. Cesaro calls for the swing, but Owens kicks out of it. Owens sends Cesaro into the turnbuckle shoulder first, then into the ring post shoulder first.

Owens punches Cesaro in the face over and over again. Cesaro gets fired up and European uppercuts Owens. Double leg takedown by Cesaro. Cesaro is going for the swing again. Owens kicks Cesaro in the shoulder. Cesaro jumping foot stomps Owens while he is down on the mat. Cesaro climbs up to the top for a cross body. Owens rolls through and puts Cesaro in the crossface. Cesaro rolls Owens over into a pin. Owens releases the crossface, but Cesaro turns the hold into the sharpshooter. Owens barely makes it to the ropes. Owens gets up and super kicks Cesaro. Owens goes up top and destroys Cesaro with a frog splash. Cesaro somehow kicks out at two. Owens calls for the pop up powerbomb, but Cesaro leap frogs over him. Cesaro springboards off the ropes and hits a spinning European uppercut. Cesaro finally puts Owens in the swing, but Cesaro’s shoulder pain forces him to release the hold. Owens goes for the pop up powerbomb again, but Cesaro rolls through and puts Owens in the Gotch neutralizer for the win.

Winner- Cesaro


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