impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (3/15) – New Champion Crowned, Maria’s TNA In-Ring Debut, Jeff Hardy Returns

The Decay Backstage Promo: 

Abyss says that Davey’s decay came at his own hands, and tonight, Eddie Edwards and Beer Money’s decay will come at their hands.  It’s a new, darker world, and if they dare to dive into the void that is their black hole and dare them to pick a third person to fight with them, there’s only one person dark enough to fight on their side.  Rosemary says they’ve never met a girl as dark as them, and tonight, they’ll meet their DECAY.

Third Match: The Decay vs. Beer Money & Eddie Edwards 

Crazy Steve and Edwards starts off the match. Edwards with chops to Steve’s chest. Edwards tags in Roode. Roode and Edwards with a double team hip toss. Roode with a front face suplex for a two count. Roode bounces Steve’s head on the top turnbuckle. Steve whips Roode to the corner. Rosemary knocks Roode off the top rope. Steve distracts the referee as Abyss drops Roode with a big clothesline. Steve tags in Abyss. Abyss mauls Roode. Roode with back elbows. Abyss with a side walk slam for a two count. Abyss tags in Steve. Abyss drops Roode with a big right hand. Abyss chokeslams Steve onto Roode for a two count. Steve tags in Rosemary. Rosemary with a series of right hands to Roode.

Rosemary tags in Abyss. Abyss with a clothesline to Roode. Abyss with a running corner splash to Roode. Abyss tags in Steve. Steve goes for a running cannonball and Roode ducks out of the way. Steve holds onto Roode’s ankle. Roode tags in Storm. Storm with a flying axe handle and forearms to Steve. Storm with a neck breaker. Storm puts Steve on the top rope and tags in Edwards. Edwards with a right hand to Abyss. Edwards and Storm with a double team enziguri to Steve. Edwards with the Chin Checker to Steve for a two count. Edwards with a suicide dive to Abyss. Roode drops Steve with a beautiful spinebuster. Rosemary goes after Roode. Beer Money goes for the DWI, but Steve drags Rosemary out of the ring. Steve sends Storm to the outside. Rosemary spits the green mist in Roode’s eyes. Steve with a low blow and a school boy to pickup the victory. 

Winner: The Decay