impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (3/15) – New Champion Crowned, Maria’s TNA In-Ring Debut, Jeff Hardy Returns


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TNA Impact Wrestling Results
March 15th, 2016
Report By Joshua Lopez for

First Match: Eric Young vs. Jeff Hardy. The winner of this match will be added to the World Heavyweight Championship Match Between Matt Hardy & EC3

Young immediately charges towards Hardy. Hardy ducks out of the way and lands a series of right hands. Hardy with a atomic drop to Young. Hardy with a double leg drop to the midsection of Young for a two count. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate and Young rolls to the outside. Hardy goes after Young and Dixie Carter comes out. Dixie says that whoever wins this match will be added to the main event tonight. Hardy rolls Young back into the ring. Young with a stomp to the back of Hardy. Hardy with a back elbow and launches him to the corner. Young rakes the eyes of Hardy. Young with a big right hand to Hardy. Hardy sends Young to the ring apron. Hardy with a running forearm that sends Young to the outside. Young lands another big right hand to Hardy. Hardy with a dropkick to Young. Hardy with a flying cross body to the outside, but Young put his knees up in the mid-air.

Young rolls Hardy back into the ring. Young goes for the pin, but Hardy kicks out at two. Young bounces Hardy’s head on the top turnbuckle. Young mocks the crowd. Young with rapid fire boots to the back of Hardy. Hardy with a back elbow. Hardy ascends to the top rope, but Young gets Hardy tied in the tree of woe. Young ascends to the rope and gets Hardy in a hangman submission position. Young goes for the pin and Hardy kicks out at two. Young with a neck breaker for a two count. Hardy with a series of right hands to Young. Young drops Hardy with a back elbow for a two count. Young goes for a flying headbutt, but Hardy ducks out of the way. Young and Hardy exchange back and forth right hands. Hardy with a flying forearm. Hardy connects with a side russian leg sweep. Hardy with a double leg dropkick for a two count. Young puts Hardy on the top rope and lands a right hand. Young goes for a top rope superplex and Hardy lands a series of right hands that sends Young back down to the mat. Hardy with a Swanton Bomb to pickup the victory. 

Winner: Jeff Hardy 

For the first time ever during play-by-play coverage, WZ will be introducing a video feature called WhipClip which will offer you video highlights of Impact Wrestling as it airs LIVE on POP TV! So be sure to check back to this page for play-by-play and WhipClip coverage beginning at 9pm EST tonight!