Needing To Keep Ryback Heel & Potential In Feud With Kalisto, Sami Zayn Not Going One On One With Kevin Owens

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This segment of Chair Shot Reality is all about the mid-card titles in WWE. Here’s some highlights of the conversation regarding the United States title:

Josh Isenberg:

People are going to say Ryback is a one trick pony. Sometimes that’s justified, but he’s actually gotten so much better. If you take off the glasses and see his ability, he’s not a livability. I just don’t like the pairing with Kalisto. The U.S. title match between Kalisto and Del Rio was good technical qrestlig. Won’t get that here, but you’re not going to get a storyline. They are so disconnected with characters. The U.S. title match should be the first first match at WrestleMania with six or seven guys going after it.

Justin LaBar:

I don’t mind Ryback vs Kalisto. It’s the tale as old time of David vs Goliath. Kalisto is very likable, exciting in ring. I’d love to see some creative bullying. Have Ryback wrestlee with a mask one week, takes it off steps on it and says this is the most entertaining thing you’ll see from someone with a mask. I think there are creative things to be done to bring emotion in it. Kalisto is a face everyone likes and we’ve realized there’s great potential in people not liking Ryback and just let him go with that. The guy is very passionate so I want to see ‘Ryan’ succeed but I have the problem with how bad at speaking he’s been. Let’s make a decision that from here on out he’s a heel and exploit the fact he’s bad at talking and let him get heat. Let him be ‘me, Ryback caveman.’ Let it be a reason to dislike him more. The days should be done for Vince and WWE of thinking he’s the next big baby face.

To see the full conversation and talk of Sami Zayn now in the IC title picture, watch the video below:

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