WWE SmackDown Results (3/10) – Sami Zayn on Miz TV, Why Jericho Why ?, Ambrose Goes Wyatt Hunting

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WWE Smackdown Results
March 10th, 2016
Report by Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

Miz TV with Special Guest – Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Neville 

Welcome to Miz TV. His guest tonight are a pair of former best friends turn mortal enemies with more betrayal then a season of House of Cards. This past Monday was the next chapter of their story when Sami Zayn prevented Kevin Owens power bombing Neville on the ring apron. The Miz introduces Sami Zayn. Miz says that Sami Zayn’s journey to the WWE is on of the most remarkable things he’s ever heard. It would make a great movie and he will give Seth Rogen a call. The Miz says that everybody in the WWE Universe wants to know who Sami Zayn is? Sami says that he’s been wrestling for 14 years and he was in NXT, The Miz cuts him off. The Miz tells Sami to fast forward to his relationship with Kevin Owens and he reminds Sami that Conflict and Drama equal must see TV. Sami says that their history goes back 13 years in Montreal. The only reason why both Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn got this far in their career is because they relied on each other. Whether it was being tag team partners or enemies their names were always linked to each other. Sami was the best man at Owens wedding.

Miz mentions that they’re enemies now, so he want’s to know what went wrong? Sami doesn’t know what happen, he came to WWE a couple of years before Owens and he knew that Kevin would be here one day. Owens made his debut on the night Sami won the NXT Championship and Owens jealously has been a factor to the number of injuries Sami Zayn has suffered over the past year and a half. Miz thanks Sami for telling his story, but as we all know there’s always two sides to every story and Miz introduces Kevin Owens. Owens says that the reason why he did what he did to Sami was because it was best for business and for his family it had nothing to do with their history. What he did wasn’t personal and let’s not forget the fact that while Sami has been in WWE for almost 3 years, Owens made his Raw debut in 6 months. Owens says that what Sami did to him at the Royal Rumble and last Monday was personal. Owens claims that he’s the victim here. Sami says that he’s here to stay and the first thing he’s going to do is beat Owens for his Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania. Owens says that the mere of thought Sami being associated with the Intercontinental Championship is laughable.

It’s not NXT it’s the Kevin Owens Show and on this show Sami is nothing. Since Owens is here and Sami is here why don’t Owens come into the ring and prove that Sami is nothing? Owens asks Sami if he honestly believes that he belongs in the same ring with him? Owens calls Sami delusional and he says that he’s done here. Owens head towards the back and Neville comes out. Neville says that Sami is not the only person Owens should be worrying about because they have unfinished business. Neville says that the Intercontinental Championship would look good around his waist. The Miz reminds everybody that this is his show and Neville is not a approved guest. The Miz asks Sami and Neville who the hell do they think they are coming out demanding opportunities at the Intercontinental Championship when Miz was a former 5-Time Intercontinental Champion and main eventing WrestleMania while Sami and Neville were main eventing bingo halls? Sami says that this issues has nothing to do with you and Miz’s main eventing WrestleMania years have been far behind him. Miz attacks Sami Zayn from behind. Sami with a series of forearms to the Miz. Sami goes for a running boot and Miz rolls to the outside.