Lucha Underground Results (3/9) – Epic Triple Threat Match, Taya Valkyrie In-Ring Temple Debut, Who’s The Moth’s Sister?

Lucha Underground

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Lucha Underground Results
March 9th, 2016
Report By Joshua Lopez for

Sexy Star & The Mack Backstage Segment: 

The Mack walks up to Sexy Star in the locker room. The Mack has a match tonight against The Moth and he wants Star to be in his corner. Sexy Star declines The Mack’s offer by shaking her head no. The Mack says that the Sexy Star he knew didn’t run and hide. She’s strong and she kicks ass. The Mack asks Star if she will help squash that bug? Star gives The Mack a fist pump. 

First Match: The Mack w/Sexy Star vs. Marty “The Moth” Martinez 

The bell rings and The Mack drives Martinez to the corner. Mack bounces Martinez head on the top turnbuckle. Martinez shoves The Mack. Mack connects with a big clothesline. Mack with a side kick that sends Martinez to the outside. The Mack goes for a suicide dive, but Martinez rolls back into the ring. Martinez sends The Mack to the ring apron. Martinez with a kick that knocks The Mack off the ring apron. Martinez with a over the top rope plancha to The Mack.

Martinez rolls Mack back into the ring. Martinez begins to attack the chest of The Mack. Martinez with a running bulldog to the corner. Martinez goes for the Super Fly Splash, but Mack rolls out of the way. The Mack connects with a big a release german suplex. The Mack with a T-Bone Suplex to Martinez. Mack climbs up the top rope and the lights go off. Creep music plays and luchadora appears. Martinez with a Curb Stomp to The Mack off the second rope to pickup the victory. After the match Martinez tells everybody to bow down to his sister Mariposa. Mariposa drops Sexy Star on the outside with a big boot. 

Winner: Marty “The Moth” Martinez 

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