wwe smackdown

WWE SmackDown Results (2/4) – Kalisto Retains, Styles/Jericho 2 ? Reigns & Ambrose Team Up

Dean Ambrose Backstage Interview: 

Renee Young asks Ambrose if his recent actions will be a preview to what he does to Roman Reigns at WWE Fast Lane? Ambrose says that was a accident. Sometimes he gets out of control, but that was a accident. When he goes after Reigns, Roman will know. Ambrose says that sometimes he and Roman will hit each other, but at the same time they hit other people. Tonight Reigns & Ambrose will be hitting other people. 

Second Match: Kalisto (c) vs. Kevin Owens for the WWE United States Championship

Owens immediately attacks Kalisto when the bell rangs. Kalisto with a waist lock to Owens. Kalisto with a roundhouse kick that sends Owens to the outside. Kalisto with a tope to Owens. Kalisto goes for the Salida Del Sol, but Owens sends Kalisto to the corner and connects with a german suplex. Owens with a big right hand to Kalisto. Owens launches Kalisto rib first to the top rope. Owens taunts Ziggler who’s on the commentary table. Owens with a running senton for a two count. Owens with a gut buster for a two count. Kalisto with boots to the face of Owens. Owens goes for a senton splash, but Kalisto rolls out of the way.

Kalisto with a enziguri and springboard corkscrew splash to Owens. Kalisto with a spike-rana for a two count. Owens with a back elbow to Kalisto. Owens goes for the Pop Up Powerbomb, but Kalisto counters with a DDT for a two count. Kalisto goes for the baseball slide, but Owens sends Kalisto ribs first to the barricade. Owens breaks the referee count. Owens clears the announce table. Owens acts like he’s going to powerbomb Kalisto through the table, but Owens sends Kalisto onto Ziggler. Owens with a superkick to Ziggler. Owens sends Kalisto back into the ring. Ziggler holds onto Owens feet and Kalisto rolls Owens up to pickup the victory. After the match Owens attack Kalisto in the back of the head. Ziggler storms into the ring to go after Owens, but it was too late as Owens heads to the back. 

Winner: Still WWE United States Champion Kalisto