wwe tlc

WWE TLC PPV Results (12/13): Reigns vs. Sheamus, New Champion Crowned, The Wyatts Decimate The ECW Originals

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WWE Tables, Ladders and Chairs 2015
December 13th, 2015
Report by Josh Lopez for Wrestlezone.com

WWE TLC Kickoff Match: Sasha Banks w/Team Bad vs. Becky Lynch 

Lynch and Banks lock up. Banks with a side headlock and Lynch transitions into a wrist lock. Banks and Lynch exchange a series of pin falls. Lynch with a side headlock. Banks with a shoulder tackle for a two count. Lynch goes for the Dis Armher, but Banks reaches the bottom rope. Banks with a forearm to Lynch. Lynch with two armdrags to Banks. Lynch with a armdrag. Banks with a armdrag, but Lynch counters with another armbar. Lynch with a rollup for a one count. Lynch armdrag and armbar combination. Banks with a kick to the midsection to Lynch. Lynch with her third armdrag/armbar combination. Banks drags Lynch to the corner and Banks gets out of the submission hold. Lynch with a dropkick to Banks. Lynch knocks Naomi off the ring apron.

Banks attack Lynch from behind and connects with a double knee stomp to the back of Lynch. Tamina with a uppercut to Lynch. Lynch with right hands to Banks. Banks with the backstabber to Lynch. Banks locks in the Bank Statement, but Lynch power’s out. Banks with a headlock to Lynch. Banks with a sunset flip for a two count. Lynch rolls Banks up for a two count. Lynch with two uppercuts, two clothesline and a dropkick to Banks. Lynch with a leg drop to Banks. Banks with a neckbreaker to Lynch for a two count. Banks goes for two more pin attempts and Lynch continues to kick out at two. Banks slaps Lynch in the face. Lynch with a exploder suplex for a two count. Banks with a dropkick to Lynch. Lynch with a powerslam to Banks. Lynch locks in the DisArm Her and Tamia hops on the ring apron to distract the referee. Naomi attacks Lynch to break the submission hold behind the referee’s back. Banks connects with the Bank Statement and Lynch taps out. 

Winner: Sasha Banks via Submission