Jeff Jarrett Talks GFW Co-Promoting With PWS, NEX*GEN Title Change, Bloody Matt Hardy Guitar Shot, more

In this interview Jeff chats candidly with Nick about:

  • GFW’s shows on the east coast in early 2016
  • Co-promoting one of those shows with Pro Wrestling Syndicate
  • Updates about when GFW’s AMPED may be airing domestically in the United States
  • Continuity issues with Sonjay Dutt winning the GFW NEX*GEN Championship before his win airs on TV 
  • His recent defeat of Matt Hardy for the WrestleCade Championship 
  • The 38 stitches he gave Matt Hardy after a stiff guitar shot at WrestleCade
  • How pre-WWF Attitude Era compares to today’s WWE product 
  • What spurs big changes in the world of pro wrestling 
  • GFW helping to promote Roddy Piper’s final film Mass Saint

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You can find the full audio of the interview as well as some of Jeff’s transcribed quotes below: 

On GFW’s upcoming January shows in the east coast and co-promoting one of them with Pro Wrestling Syndicate:

JJ: I love it. It’s something that I’ll say is another step in our progression. It’s something I am very excited about. The Grand Slam Tour 2015 happened and simultaneously we had our tapings in Las Vegas. July, August and October. We had our two UK events. We were putting our heads together and, actually today, I’m at the winter meetings for baseball and we’re talking about the Grand Slam Tour for 2016. When we sat back and looked and said, “Where do we want to go first quarter of 2016?” Whether it’s Twitter or any form of social media or even emails I’ve gotten from folks. The Mid-Hudson Civic Center actually reached out to us. I’ve known that management team for many, many years. Ironically enough, Nick, it’s where Double J had his very first television appearance for the WWF back in the day in ’93. I’ve got a long history with that building and everything just sort of fell in to place. We partnered with the building. We partnered with a radio station up there. I am just very, very excited about bringing Global Force Wrestling and continuing to create the brand awareness. Spread the word. The very next night, Saturday, in Rahway, NJ we have partnered with Pro Wrestling Syndicate. They are the home town team so to speak. They are the hometown promotion. I have worked with them, for them, on multiple occasions. They run a great show. They have a great organization. All of them in there they really work hard. They have a consistantly good product put out. We put our heads together and sat down and came to an agreement. I believe it’s something that the wrestling fans want. They want to see multiple wrestlers from multiple promotions on one night. That’s what we are going to give them. We’ve got the Global Stars from around the world to the local stars of Pro Wrestling Syndicate. I’m really excited about it. Bobby Roode from TNA Wrestling is going to be on both events. I feel like we are kicking off 2016 in a grand way for Global Force Wrestling.

Related: Global Force Wrestling Announces First Dates of 2016

On whether there are continuity issues with Sonjay Dutt beating PJ Black for the NEX*GEN Championship at WrestleCade before PJ Black’s win on AMPED airs on TV:

JJ: Not at all. It’s for the fact that what you, to me, just stated the case for. We live in a world of instantaneous information. People understand that PJ captured the title in October and we had the event a month later at WrestleCade. The world of professional wrestling is no longer closed doors. You know it. I know it. We all know it. When we release AMPED and I had the conversation we were having today at the winter meetings of baseball. We were talking about this. Lining things up. We’ve got the sixteen episodes. The brand awareness continues to grow. We are talking about 2016. We made the announcement a couple of weeks ago. The team owners were wondering, “Where are we at with AMPED?” I proceeded to tell them that we made the announcement about Boulder Creek. That they were in Cannes, France and Monoco at the SPORTEL Convention one week and MidCom the next. Last week they were in Singapore at another television buyer’s convention. They are in Saigon, Vietnam yesterday, Monday and Tuesday of this week. We are out lining up. We’ve got everything from discussions to introductory emails all the way down to contracts that are being dotted i’s and crossed t’s. That type of deal all over the world. Domestically here we are going to be making an announcement with a partner that we have that I couldn’t be more excited to be talking about. Probably not going to do it this year because we are already getting in to mid-December. It’s probably going to be early-2016. Things are progressing. Things are rolling along. I’ve said this a gazillion times, “Patience is not in my DNA but it’s a step by step process.” We are getting there.

PHOTOS: First Ever Global Force Wrestling Title Change Takes Place

On the bloody guitar shot that he gave Matt Hardy at WrestleCade that sent Hardy to the hospital to get 38 stitches and whether it was the most brutal guitar shot he’s ever delivered:

JJ: There have been some pretty damaging guitar shots but I can say without question this ranks right up there at the top. Matt moved. It’s his fault. I beat him up so bad but it happened. Many, many famous wrestlers have told me and especially getting in to this business, “Kid, it’s not ballet. If you expect to dance… move on.” There ya have it. 

PHOTOS: A Very Bloody Matt Hardy, Hardy Taken to Hospital Following Title Match

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