shawn michaels
(Photo by Paul Warner/Getty Images)

HBK Reveals Undertaker’s Reaction to The Montreal Screwjob (Video), Sasha Banks In-Action on WWE Survivor Series Kickoff Show?

Sasha Banks In-Action on Survivor Series Kickoff Show?

montreal screwjobAccording to The Wrestling Observer, at one point Sasha Banks vs Natalya was planned for the WWE Survivor Series kickoff show, but the match has yet to be announced by WWE.

HBK Reveals Undertaker’s Reaction to The Montreal Screwjob

The Undertaker Week continues on the WWE Network tonight, with part 2 of “Legends with JBL” featuring Triple H, Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels.

In the preview clip below, Michaels talks about early backstage encounters with Undertaker and is asked about The Undertaker’s reaction to the Montreal Screwjob.

Michaels says when they got to the arena the next day for Raw in Ottawa, ‘Taker was in the office with Vince McMahon. After the meeting, Michaels said that Taker shook his hand and said, “we’re cool.”

“I never asked him what he said, that’s all I needed to know,” Michaels said. “I’m good, and that was that?”