The Undertaker and Ric Flair Headlining This Week’s WWE Tour of Mexico, Full Tour Details, Top 10 Smackdown Moments (Video)

The Undertaker and Ric Flair Headlining This Week’s WWE Tour of Mexico

ric flairWWE will be running a tour of Mexico this weekend, featuring The Undertaker and Ric Flair, and the following are the dates and locations for the tour:

-Friday 10/16 in Merida, Mexico at Coliseo Yucatan

-Saturday 10/17 in Mexico City, Mexico at Arena Ciudad

-Sunday 10/18 in Monterrey, Mexico at Arena Monterrey

Undertaker will be teaming up with Kane in tag team matches against Braun Strowman and Luke Harper.

If you are attending any of the shows and would like to submit a live fan report, please email us by clicking on the submit news box below!

Top 10 Smackdown Moments

The following video is last night’s top 10 WWE Smackdown moments: