WWE SmackDown Results (10/8) – New Day Brings Positivity To Philadelphia, King Barrett Returns To Action, Orton & Reigns Clash With The Wyatts

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WWE Smackdown Results
October 8th 2015
Report by Joshua Lopez for WrestleZone.com

New Day & Dolph Ziggler In-Ring Segment: 

Woods ask the Philly crowd if they saw what the New Day did to Dolph Ziggler, John Cena and The Dudley Boyz. Kingston said that they all felt the power of positivity. Big E said that they stood up and all four guys were knock down. The New Day said that the Corre, Nexus, Wyatt Family, The Shield, Dungeon of Doom, Los Bouricas and NWO never dominated like the New Day. Woods said that Philadelphia Eagles Coach Chip Kelly called The New Day and ask for the guys to give the football team some positivity. Woods mocks the fact that the Eagles lost to the Washington Redskins. New Day spells out the Eagles and then proceeds to call them booty. Kingston brings up the Dudley Boyz politicting to the Authority.

Kingston said that The Dudley Boyz will get another opportunity at the WWE Tag Team Championships at Hell in a Cell. Big E said that the table vultures Dudley Boyz continue to get in the way of the New Day making WWE great again. New Day claps and Ziggler comes out. Ziggler said that the New Day are the Three Stooges of WWE. Ziggler said that he can outdo all three members of New Day when it comes to comedy. Ziggler said that he talked to the Authority and they granted him a match with the guy who stoled Ziggler’s chance at the WWE United States Championship and the man that Ziggler taught everything he knows. Ziggler said that he will be fighting Big E. Woods says that this will be a fair fight and Ziggler agrees then The Dudley Boyz come out and escort Ziggler down to the ring.

First Match: Dolph Ziggler w/The Dudley Boyz vs. Big E w/The New Day 

Ziggler with a dropkick and a DDT to Big E whichs sends him to the outside. Ziggler tries to knockdown Big E. Big E with a shoulder tackle. Big E applies pressure to Ziggler back. Big E with the adominal stretch to Ziggler. Big E with a back elbow for a two count. Big E puts his leg behind Ziggler to apply pressure while Ziggler is laying on the bottom rope. Ziggler with right hands. Big E with a back breaker to Ziggler for a two count. Woods plays the trombone and does his own commentary. Big E stomps on Ziggler ribs. Big E with a headlock to Ziggler. Big E with the bear hug.

Ziggler with a back elbow. Big E launches Ziggler to the turnbuckle. Big E charges towards Ziggler and Ziggler sends him shoulder first to the ring post. Ziggler with a DDT to Big E for a two count. Big E with a belly to belly suplex and a running splash to Ziggler for a two count. Ziggler with a superkick for a two count. Bubba Ray and Kingston brawl on the outside. New Day distracts the referee. D-Von knocks Wood off the ring apron. Kingston attacks Ziggler from behind and Big E goes for the pin attempt and Kingston holds onto Ziggler’s legs inorder to secure the victory.

Winner: Big E