TNA Bound For Glory Results (10/4) – New #1 Contender ‘Bound For Gold’, EY vs Angle, New World Champion!

tna-bfg-splashTNA Bound For Glory Results
Report By Bill Pritchard for
October 4th 2015 

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X Division Championship (Ultimate X)
DJ Z vs Manik vs Andrew Everett vs Tigre Uno

Everett connects with a dropkick to Manik and Zema, then he kicks Uno into the ropes. Uno knocks him outside before Zema goes for a splash, but Manik catches his legs and slams him into the apron. Manik slams Uno down and springboards off the ropes, then Uno reverses and sends him outside. Zema tries to interfere but Uno sends him outside, then Uno gets caught with an elbow before Zema uses him to springboard off of and Zema hits a flying forearm over the ropes.

The crowd pops for Zema’s big dive, then Everett hits a springboard Shooting Star press onto everyone, and Everett starts climbing the cables. Manik catches up with him and kicks him, then he suplexes him before everyone gets back in. Manik and Zema fight before Everett hits a 630 splash, then they fight out to the floor and Uno hits a 450 on the floor. Everett and Manik fight on the cables, with Everett standing above the cables to kick him down, then Uno climbs over and tries to knock him down, kicking him in the head and slamming Everett to the mat before talking his title down.

Winner  – Tigre Uno

Shane Helms comes out and gets in Uno’s face, but ends up shaking his hand before walking away.