TUNE IN: WrestleZone Daily is LIVE today at Noon EST; Listen To Full WrestleZone Daily Archives

WZD-three-colorWrestleZone Daily will be going live today at Noon EST/11 am CST.

Host Nick Hausman is joined today by 2CW’s Bin Hamin (aka Ben Duerr).

Listen in at Mixlr.com/WZRadioNick & Ben will be reading comments from the chat room on the air. They will also be picking the winner of this week’s #WZDailyFF contest. This week fan’s were asked to submit funny and original memes to win this week’s prize package. If you would like to play along get your submissions in now!

Tweet questions and comments for the show using the hashtag #WZDaily.

You can listen to yesterday’s episode of WZ Daily by subscribing to ‘WrestleZone Radio’ on iTunes or Soundcloud. You can also listen to all previous episodes in the embedded player below:  

You can also listen to the full archives for WrestleZone Daily in the embedded audio player below: