impact wrestling

TNA Impact Wrestling Results (9/23) – EC3 vs. Spud, Faction Splits, Main Event Of Bound For Glory Is Set


TNA Impact Wrestling Results
September 23rd 2015
Report By Joshua Lopez for

Dixie Carter Calls Out Eric Young: 

The entire TNA Locker Room are at ringside and the members of Team TNA are in the ring with Dixie Carter. Carter tells the guys who competed in the Lethal Lockdown match last week that she thanks them for putting their bodies on the line for TNA. Galloway says that all the guys in the roster love professional wrestling and perform for the fans. Galloway says that he’s not trying to be a leader because everyone here is equal. Galloway says that there will be battles ahead and they will always stand up. Carter announces that tonight all the competitors from Team TNA will take on each other to crown the number one contender to the EC3 World Championship at the Bound for Glory PPV. Carter said that TNA has been tight unit and a family besides one guy.

Carter calls out Eric Young. Carter said that not only did Young turn his back on her and TNA, but all the wrestlers in the locker room. Young ask why she didn’t call him out when he did what he did to Chris Melendez and Kurt Angle. Young said that the reason is because Young has a iron clad contract with Impact Wrestling. Young said that yes he has connections with Global Force Wrestling and he mocks Team TNA’s victory from last week. Young said that nobody can do anything to him. Carter brings up Chris Melendez and how he’s sacrificed for the country then Melendez comes down to the ring. Carter announces that right now Melendez will take on Young in a Lumberjack Match. 

First Match: Eric Young vs. Chris Melendez in a Lumberjack Match 

Young attacks Melendez from behind and sends Melendez out of the ring. Melendez gets back in the ring by himself. Melendez with a sunset flip for a two count. Young regains control. Young stomps on Melendez back. Young with a bodyslam. Young stomps Melendez in the back of the head. Young with a back suplex for a two count. Melendez with right hands and Young stops him momentum. Young with more stomps. Young with a headlock on Melendez. Melendez counters and Young sends him to bottom turnbuckle. Young and Melendez exchange forearms. Melendez picks up some momentum with multiple forearms and a Samoan Drop. Earl Hebner was distracted and Young pokes Melendez eyes. Young picks up Melendez prosthetic leg and rams it to his face. Young puts Melendez on the top rope. Melendez knocks down Young and goes up top with a flying dropkick to Young to pickup the victory. After the match Melendez celebrates with the members of the TNA Locker Room. 

Winner: Chris Melendez